Chapter 1

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Revised version is now out, like that one a lot better than this one. I'm still going to update this at some point, I'm just not as concerned about this as I am with other projects I am currently working on. 

"Paladin, Elder Maxson would like a word with you." A voice spoke. A woman stood from behind a set of Power Armor before speaking.

"Tell him I will report in soon." She replied to the voice, tightening a bolt on the armor.

"He told me you might say that, so he told me to tell you that it is of utmost urgency."

The Paladin sighed before rubbing her forehead, a smudge of oil mixed with dirt leaving a trail across her face. "How urgent?"

"He said it had to do with the Institute."

Another sigh came from the Paladin as well as a nod. She wiped her hands on a dirty rag before throwing it down and starting down the Prydwen halls towards the Elders room. She knocked on metal door before putting her hand on her hips.

The metal door opened, the scarred face of the Elder coming into view. "Paladin." He spoke, his voice deep.

"Maxson, please, just call me Alyssa."

"Paladin Alyssa"

"Maxson, just Alyssa."

"Listen Alyssa, you came into the Brotherhood with such a short notice and have very much proven your worth. You took what little faith I had in you and greatened it. You wiped out the Railroad and the Institute within a week."

"Well it wasn't easy."

"But you still did it. You are no longer a Paladin to the Brotherhood, but a Sentinel. If I could give you a higher rank, I would."

"M-Maxson, this is such an honor. I-I don't know how to thank you."

"Well I have one request. Now that you're Sentinel, the small work in no longer for you you, which is why I need to bring myself to ask you of this. I am to fly to the state capitol in D.C to meet with the other Elders of the Brotherhood. I need to bring a-wife."

"Maxson, just get to the point."

"Look, all I'm asking is for you to come to D.C with me and pretend you're my wife."

Skylar blinked before biting her lower lip. "Maxson, why are you asking me?"

"Because you're the strongest person here. Don't forget you went from a knight to a sentinel in a month, something that usually takes years."

"Why do you need a 'wife' for?"

"Because the Elders there are expecting from me a wife to bear a child to take on the duties of this fleet."

"I am not-"

"I'm not going to get you pregnant, Sentinel. All I need is for you to come with me, as my wife, and say you're pregnant."

Skylar released a heavy sigh. "Fine, but if you try anything Maxson, I will destroy the Brotherhood, clear?"

Maxson growled a bit before nodding. "We leave tonight. Pack your bags." 

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