"Be my queen !!!! I promise you I won't let anyone hurt you" he said in a deep and dark voice

I laid on my  back crying " Andie please s I can't... you hurt me I....

He covers my mouth his eyes were red agian and this time very scary

He covers my mouth his eyes were red agian and this time very scary

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I gasped and stared in to his crimson colored eyes as he smirk

" your all mine now and foreverhe said darkly and touches my breasts

" your not my Andie who the hell are you???" I asked as I swat his hand from my chest

Andie sits up and his back arches and his bones crack as he under goes some sort of transformation I covers my mouth n moved away

His hand grabs my ankle with massive force causing me to yelp

" your hurting me ...Andie what wrong with you!!! Are you the....

He smiled and kisses me agian this time with passion and hold my waist to his I trembled  {fuck?! I'm in trouble this maybe Andie but he's not acting like the Andie I know.... He's a monster!!!} I shoved him away from me and limped to the door my ankle badly bruised..

" just where the fuck do you think your going kammy I need you....your my lust" he growls darkly he gets up and walks over to me.  I whimper and noticed a dark symbol tattoo to his chest

{That mark?!....I know that mark....its the sign of.....}

" yesssss my love ..the devil!! Though you may think I am heheAndie Laugh's he  smiled and flames poofed around him. As wings popped from his back blood splatter the wall.

I gasped and watched him as he looks at !me and smirks.


Candice knocked on my apartment door frantically the door swings open " kammy are yo....samael!?!

Sam looks at her he was agitated as hell and extremely worried

" Candice??!! Where kammy she been gone for over a hour!!!!"

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