Chapter 18

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Two months passed and it was now the 4th of July. Rose and Gunner had finally settled things, and were offically a couple. Although it took some time for Barney to get used to it, he didn't seem to mind. But the person that worried Gunner the most, was Lee.
Ever since Gunner and Rose had come out and told everyone, Lee seemed to distance himself from Rose and Gunner. And whenever the two of them were around each other, Lee would start a fight with Gunner, and Rose would interfere. Barney had gotten to the point where he would yell at Lee and even punch him if he took something too far. It was scary to Rose to see what was going on, but now that the holiday was here, Lee seemed to be better than before. He smiled at Rose like he usually did, and wouldn't say anything to Gunner, but would at least acknowledge him. the holiday brought with it happiness and the feeling of family. Everyone came, and everyone ate. Doc and Rose did the baking and Barney grilled. Lee and Tool had yet another knife throwing contest, and Toll and Casaer sat in a deep discusion about wrestling.
"I'm surprised," Barney said to Lee when he left the match.
"Huh?" Lee looked at him confused.
"You haven't tried to start anything."
"I can change that," Lee said leaning against the table and looking over at Gunner and Rose who were talking about something. Gunner smiled and laughed and for once actually looked human. Tool walked over to them and laughted along with them. The group talked and talked. Lee rolled his eyes when he looked back at Gunner, who had glanced up at him.
"I'd rather you didn't. I'm Rose wouldn't like that either," Barney said lighting a cigar.
"What the hell does she see in that idot..." Lee said in a low voice.
"The of them have a lot in common," Barney said shrugging his shoulders.
"How are you okay with this?" Lee looked at surprised.
"I never said I was okay with, but I can at least deal with it. I know that he makes Rose happy, and Rose trusts him," Barney said. "If you ask me, I think it's nasty that an old man like Gunner has a young girl like Rose, but I already talked to Gunner. He knows where he stands with me, and he knows what will happen if he fucks up."
Lee looked at Barney with confusion for a moment, then down at the floor.
"I suggest that you grow up and at least act somewhat happy for Rose. Although it pains me to say this, but Gunner has helped her go back to her old self. She's happy and easy going again, not scared and sickly."
"I know..." Lee said looking away. He knew it was true. It seemed like Gunner was the only thing that kept Rose alive. Everyday she looked better and better, and acted like nothing had ever happened to her. IT was nice to get to know the real Rose.
"I still don't trust him..." Lee said.
"I understand. I'm sure at some point he will prove himself, "Barney said in response before getting up and walking away. "Hopefully it's soon."

It was now later into the night and everyone had gathered into the kitchen area. Rose and Doc and baked several pies and were waiting for everyone to settle in before they went ahead and served them. Gunner had sat down next to Lee and the two of them were in a somewhat friendly conversation when Rose came over with some pie and gave it to them. They both smiled at her thanked her.
"Hey, kid," Tool asked from the other end of the table, get me some water, please."
Rose made her way into the kitchen again as Doc and Barney left it.
"So what are your plans for the new bike?" Gunner asked Barney as he sat down next to him.
"Not really sure yet," Barney repied as he sat down next to Gunner.
The group began to talking about different idea that Barney could think about when the first few sounds of fire crackers went off outside. The door to the tattoo shop was open and they could hear the sound of kids running up and down the street, laughing and calling out to one another. But soon, the fireworks started. The sudden FUMP of the firework launching, followed by a loud bang a few seconds later.
Everyone nearly jumped out of their chairs at the sound of glass crashing on the floor. Gunner shot up from his chair and ran into the kitchen where the sound came from. Barney and Lee looked at each other and stood up as well. They ran into the kitchen only to find Rose huddled in the corner, glass and blood covering the floor, and Gunner knealing beside Rose whispering soothing words to her. Her eyes were wide with terror and her face was pale.
Barney walked over to her but Gunner raised a hand up making him stop. Rose wasn't herself. Her gaze darted from Gunner to Barney and back to Gunner. Her breathing was rapid and her whole body shook. Suddenly another FUMP, followed by another BANG.
Rose gasped and clentched her fist tighter, blood began to ooz from inbetween her fingers and onto the floor.
"It's okay," Gunner whispered as he gently placed a hand Rose's knee. She stared straight ahead, no making eye contact with anyone. She only squeezed her hand tighter and tighter.
"Let go..." Gunner said as he grabbed her fist. "You're hurting yourself."
Rose slowly looked over at Gunner and released her hand a bit, enough to show shards of glass digging into the palm of her hand.
Rose lunged forward and straight into Gunner's arms. She cried out in fear and buried her face into his chest as her bloodied hand dug into the back of his shirt. She started mumbling something and shivered even more. Gunner held onto her tight, and picked her up off the wet floor. He looked over at Barney and Lee.
"I'm going to take her upstairs," he said in a low voice. 

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