"It's just a test. We've all dealt with worse." Jackson spoke up from his seat next to me. "No one's bleeding out on your table. We will be fine."

"Cristina." Meredith got up, dragging Cristina away with her.

"So, how about we register and then grab some lunch?" April suggested, earning nods from Jackson, Alex, and I. "Awesome, I'll ask Meredith and Cristina."

"Okay, if one of us had to fail, who do you think it would be?" I asked the two guys once April was heading over to Meredith and Cristina.

"Beth," Jackson frowned at me.

"It's hypothetical." I held my hands up in defense.

"Kepner." Alex answered easily.

"Come on," Jackson sighed, clearly not liking this conversation. I saw his gaze flicker towards the three girls. "Meredith."

"Really?" I frowned, surprised by his choice.

"No, Meredith, look." He nodded towards the trio of women. I felt my eyes widen at the sight of Meredith holding her stomach, vomiting onto the floor.


"Zola has the stomach flu and you didn't say anything?" Jackson questioned Meredith once she was cleaned up. She was now seated in a lobby chair again, the rest of us standing a few feet away from her.

"How could you? Are- Are you trying to sabotage us all?" April asked.

"It's not like it's the black plague." Meredith rolled her eyes.

"You are supposed to be our friend." April shook her head.

"Oh, April, calm down." Meredith said as she started to get up.

"Y- You stay right where you are, typhoid Mary." Alex warned her before looking at the rest of us. "Come on. Let's go register."

We all followed his lead, getting into the right lines based on our last names. I got into line with Cristina, the others in the lines to our left. I glanced around, bored as I waited in line, but I stopped when I spotted a familiar face.

"Holy shit." I swore.

"Dude, is that your mom?" Alex asked Jackson, recognizing Catherine Avery, too.

"Baby." Catherine smiled as she made her way towards Jackson. "I know. I know you don't want to see your mother before the boards. But they are wearing this old girl out. Got me examining three sessions tomorrow, and I might not see you, so I had to say good luck."

"Can you promise to kill me if she's one of my examiners?" I asked Cristina, keeping my voice low so Catherine wouldn't overhear. "Just perform a C-section first."

"Deal." Cristina nodded.

"Oh, and I've got it." Catherine said, making me glance her way once more, spotting her digging through her purse.

"No, no, that's fine. You don't-" Jackson shook his head.

"It's in here somewhere." Catherine assured him.

"That's fine. That's okay." Jackson tried to tell her, making me curious.

"That's what you always say, but you always want it in the end." Catherine pointed out.

"Okay, all right." He sighed. "Mom, I'm good. I am."

"I'm in room eight oh nine when you change your mind." She told him before walking away, heading past Cristina and I again. She stopped when she spotted me. "Bethany."

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