The Leaky Cauldron: Year 1/Summer

Start from the beginning

They passed many stores, selling things from clothes to food, music discs to movies.

"This is amazing," She whispered, mostly to herself.

Harry nodded in agreement, looking along with her.

She had kept walking, not noticing that Harry and Hagrid had stopped walking, looking at an old, dirty pub, until Harry had called out.

She blushed, smiling awkwardly, before racing back towards them.

"S-sorry," She choked out, her face still bright red.

"It's alright," Harry grinned. "Just watch out in the future."

Amisty nodded sheepishly and turned to take a closer look at the pub. A plank at the top told her it was called, 'The Leaky Cauldron'. People seemed to be walking right past it as if it wasn't even there.

"This... is where we're going to get school supplies?" Amisty asked, staring at the pub in disbelief.

Hagrid let out a bark of a laugh, "Now 'ats were yer wrong, this is The Leaky Cauldron, pretty famous," He replied, running his hand through his beard.

Hagrid pushed the door open with his giant hand, gesturing for Amisty to enter first.

As she walked in, she spotted four people present in the pub.

Two women in the corner, drinking from small glasses of an amberish gold colored liquid, both wearing peculiar black hats. The two other people in the pub were the bartender and a short little man in a top hat who seemed to be engrossed in the conversation. The buzz of noise died down as everyone spotted Hagrid, the two women smiled and waved politely at him, and the bartender asked him if he wanted a drink.

Hagrid shook his head, "Sorry Tom, I'm on Hogwarts business," slapping his hands on Harry and Amisty's shoulders, causing Harry's knees to buckle and Amisty to grit her teeth on the impact.

"My god," Tom exclaimed, staring at Harry in wonder. "Is this, who I think it is?"

The silence grew so heavy, you could hear a pin drop.

Nobody moved, all eyes on Harry. Amisty glanced at her friend, confused.

'Why was everyone so amazed about him?' She wondered.

"It is. Harry Potter, what an honor," The bartender whispered.

He ran toward Harry and grabbed his hand, his eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back," Amisty's head spun, why was everyone so honored to meet Harry.

She shared a glance with him, and he mouthed to her, I'll explain later.

Amisty nodded, then ducked away from the crowd as Harry was surrounded by everyone in the pub.

She stood at the side, staring at her shoes awkwardly.

The volume in the pub grew as they expressed their enthusiasm, Amisty choked back a laugh as the little man's hat fell off from excitement.

Harry glanced at Amisty, his eyes wide as if saying, 'help me!', Amisty shrugged, a small smile at tugging at the corner of her lips.

Nearly ten minutes passed until Hagrid could drag Harry away from the crowd,

"Must be going now, lots to buy," He announced, grabbing Amisty by the wrist, Harry close behind.

They went through a doorway at the back of the store, leading to a small alley littered with weeds and a lone trash can.

Hagrid beamed at Harry, "I told yeh yer famous, I told yeh!" His black eyes were twinkling. "Even Professor Quirrell was trembling to meet you, but 'es always trembling."

Amisty grinned slyly, "Sorry about not helping you."

"It's okay, but next time, you're not slipping away again, you're gonna go through it with me," Harry replied, sending a glance at Hagrid as he counted the bricks on the wall.

Hagrid mumbled something Amisty couldn't catch before holding his arm out,

"Watch out you two," He warned, allowing them both to take a step back.

Hagrid tapped the wall three times with his umbrella, Amisty expected nothing would happen.

Until the brick in the middle wiggled slightly, then a hole appeared in the center, slowly growing into a massive archway.

The archway opened into a smooth cobblestone street, twisting and turning throughout many shops, people walking around in black cloaks weaving around the pathway.

"Welcome, to Diagon Alley," Hagrid grinned.

Bleh, bleh, BLEH! I had no clue how to write dialogue apparently! Oh, I can't wait until it gets to the better parts, my god

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Bleh, bleh, BLEH! I had no clue how to write dialogue apparently! Oh, I can't wait until it gets to the better parts, my god. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

 Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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