Chapter 2: Help Me

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Chapter 2: Help Me

I unlocked Satsuki and opened the door to the drivers side. I hopped in and was just about to start up the engine when I remembered that I hadn’t grabbed my camera. “Oops!” I laughed and went back into my apartment to search for it. After finding it I quickly rushed back to Satsuki this time starting up the engine. I positioned my camera and started recording.

“Hey guys!” I stared off, giving a little wave. “Today I’m going over to Shane Dawson’s house to do another #Shoey vid! Hope you’re all as excited as I am! So I guess I’ll see you when I reach Shane’s house. Bye!” I smiled and turned of the camera. I shakily put the gear into reverse, wondering how Shane was going to react to the whole “I love you” fiasco. Oh well, I’ll find out soon enough.

I reversed out of the driveway and started on my way to Shane’s house. The traffic was running surprisingly smoothly which was quite unlike LA. Don’t get me wrong! I’m not complaining. I was making pretty good time. That was when my phone started ringing. “Dammit! Not the best timing.” I mentally face-palmed. Luckily the traffic had stopped so I could quickly see who it was.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. The caller ID said it was Shane. I nearly laughed and groaned at the same time. Definitely not the best timing. I decided that I should answer it, after all, I wasn’t going anywhere.

“Heeeeey Shaaaaane!” I answered the phone.

“Hey Joey,” Shane sad sadly “Lisa’s just had another argument with me. You probably have an idea of what it was about.” It was true that I did know what he was talking about. Lisa had been having quite a few hissy-fits over the whole “Shoey” thing. She seriously seemed to have a problem with me.

“Aw Shane, I’m so sorry!” I said sympathetically. I couldn’t help but feel slightly pleased and this made me feel a bit guilty. “I’ll be over as soon as I ca-” I never got a chance to finish my sentence though, as my head snapped back at the impact from the passenger’s side of Satsuki.


 As my head was spinning, Sastuki was sent careening off the rode, crashing head-on into a headlight in the process. My ears were ringing and my entire body was in pain. I weakly dabbed at my head and pulled away when I felt that my hand was covered in a sticky liquid. Blood. I could hear Shane panicking, asking me if I was ok. I struggled to pull my phone up to my ear. It was hardly audible but you could hear it. If you listened hard enough you could hear two words being choked up.


Then there was darkness.


BAM! Cliff hanger! Second chapter finally finished. This took A LOT longer then it should’ve and I am truly sorry ^^;

So basically... Joey’s had a car crash! I also have an idea of what is generally going to happen in the story.

**NOTE** This chapter is VERY IMPORTANT in the plot of this story! Do not forget what has happened here!

I will try and update more quickly this time, but faves, comments and reads will really encourage me! Thank you if have started reading this so far.

Until next time!


Superluv (It's A Shoey Thing!)- A Shoey FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant