Chapter One

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"Kuro, you can't just follow me everywhere I go, give me some space, for fucks sake!" I growled, keeping my voice to a harsh whisper as I glared the incorporeal being down.

But the idiot just tilted his head with an oblivious look on his face. "Eh? That's not what you used to say when you were younger, you always snuck to school in my backpack all the time." He chuck-


I snapped my head up from my book as I heard my name called, seeing a very unamused teacher give a small huff of irritation.

"Mr. Death, that is the second time this period that I had to call your name, what is more interesting than learning the importance of the economy?" She groaned, thrumming her fingers on the textbook she was teaching out of, obviously irritated.

It's not my fault that the way she teaches it makes me want to hide out in my book every chance I get, find a project for us or something.

I gave a nervous chuckle, closing my book discretely. "Nothing, Miss Juno."

Miss Juno just pinched the bridge of her nose, quietly cursing before letting out a sigh. "This is your final warning, if I find you reading in class again, I'm taking it up and sending you to the office." She warned before returning every one's attention back to the lesson.

I rolled my eyes, leaning my skull on my hand as I looked out the window in boredom.

I am soooooooo glad that this is the last year of high school, just nine more months of this kill-joy. Heh, at least there are some bright spots in this place, so its not a complete lost.


"Okay, your homework is on the board, its due tomorrow. You also have a quiz tomorrow, so study tonight." The teacher reminded everyone when the bell rung.

And, on cue, some rowdy boys started talking obnoxiously loud as they ran out the room along with a group of gossiping girls, talking about some rumor going around school if I'm correct, but I didn't give a care.

Giving a sigh, I grabbed my book and bag before walking out, heading for the next 'cell'.

"Ugh, why do they always give me at least ONE class in the THREE STORY!? Its gonna be the Death of me!" I groaned before chuckling at my own pun. "My god, that's cheesy as hell!"

"What's so funny, Reaper?" crackles a voice, which made me just chuckle more before turning around to see one of my friends, Grillby, carrying a snoozing lump on his back.

I gave a shrug as I stopped to allow the fire elemental to catch up. "Dunno, something stupid." I looked at the lump on his back and shook my head, trying to hide the smirk on my face. "Fell asleep in class again?" I asked sarcastically, just gaining a sigh in return.

"Doesn't he always?" Grillby shook his head, pausing to fix his grip on the napping skeleton and the two backpacks, which I just took both for him.

Yeah, the napper, Classic, always finds a way to sleep in class, which resulted in him failing a few classes and not earning enough credits to graduate to twelfth. But when he isn't asleep, he is a really punny guy. Just don't place bets on him not finishing an entire bottle of ketchup, you'll be the one paying.

I met both him and Grillby back in middle school, when we had the same homeroom. Grillby was a bit shy back then, but he totally changed come high school, growing worried of his sleep deprived friend and is a bit more open. He just doesn't talk much to others outside the friend circle.

They aren't my only friends though, which I can't wait for lunch.

As we climbed the stairs, we heard more chatting, which I ignored until:

"Did you know we got some knew transfer students?"

I turned around when I got to the top if the stairs, watching as Grillby attempted to safely climb the stairs with his precious cargo, who was slowly waking up.

I shook my head. "No, I don't listen to gossip that goes around, ya know."

I swear if he had pupils, they would be rolling. Once he reached the top he went to classroom and set Classic down, who groggily mumbled something before plopping into the nearest seat and returned to napping, making Grillby just sigh.

"Yeah, I know that, but this is true, me and Classic saw them this morning before school started.

I raised an nonexistent eyebrow as I went over, placed Mr. Snooze's bag next to his skull and proceeded to our English 12 class, which is my favorite subject to be honest.

"Oh really? What are they like?" I asked sarcastically. They are probably like the rest of the school population: idiotic.

Grillby shrugged, following behind. "The older one has this class with us, so you'll see."

I faked enthusiasm at the thought. "Ooh, another possible delinquent that is gonna disturb the peace of my favorite class, how fun!"

Grillby's flames just crackles in annoyance as we reached our classroom door.

Whelp, here we go, time to see what this new student is like.

I opened the door and walked in, headed towards to my seat. Grillby shut the door and sat in the seat next to me, looking a bit, smug?

'What do you know that I don't?' I whispered, in which I got shrug.

'You'll see.' is all he said before grabbing our notebook for the class and begun the bellringer.

I rolled my eyes as I retrieved my notebook and begun to answer the work just as the bell rung.

The teacher, instead of calling role, he got up and turned on the new smartboards that the school system is instituting.

"Okay class, I'm sure you all know, but we have a new student who just got transferred here two days ago."

Ah, here we go, time to see who this new guy is.

"Mr. Geno, may you stand up for a minute?"

Ha, I bet you that he is----

"Yes sir."

I looked in the direction of the voice, which is at the front of the class, and I froze completely still.

--A fucking hottie!!


I am sooooo sorry for the lateness of this chapter, I lost my previous progress I made on this chapter and I was meant to retype, but I got distracted. ^^;

Anyways, I hope you guys like the story thus far!

If you have any questions, ask!

Enjoy your day/night!

From The First Day We Met (AfterDeath)Where stories live. Discover now