XVIII. Gossip in the Gaming Room

Start from the beginning

"I will be gaming with Samuel and his other writer friends in another gaming room. You are welcome to join us," Ralph replied.

Nicholas shook his head for two reasons. One, he did not know how he could survive a night with the writers. Two, he knew Ralph was merely planning to spy on them in hopes of hearing more about the Herald and its owner. And although Nicholas was curious as well, he knew it was no longer his concern. He was not a Town Guard and most definitely not a Leaguer.

He ought to enjoy the Theobald party.

Nicholas looked for Carmel around the ballroom but she was absent. He saw her earlier with her friends but she must have found the ball rather dire as expected.

He walked over to join Emma, Levi and Victoria, leaving Ralph and Samuel to their discussion.

"Will you be all right with Levi?" he asked their youngest when he reached them.

"I will be far more all right should Mother allow me to go back to my chamber and rest," she uttered with a wave of her hand. "But since that is highly unlikely, I will content myself with Levi's presence as I assume you are about to ask to be relieved of your task to guard over me?"

Victoria chuckled beside Emma while Nicholas shared a look with Levi. "She is too wise," he uttered to Levi before turning to Emma. "You are too wise. Mellow it down or you shall never find a husband."

"I will never marry."

"You always say that," said Nicholas. "So did Benedict when he was younger. And Levi. And Maxwell. And even Margaret. Ysa is an exception, of course."

Levi was shaking his head while Emma fumed. "Speak not in finality, dear sister. You will never know when it strikes."

"What strikes?"

Victoria laughed.

"You mean love?" Emma frowned. "It strikes?"

"And hitches on you like a bloody saddle," Levi nodded.

"That is a rather odd way to explain how love is."

"Well, for one, you ought to also know that it strikes, sticks and stings," Nicholas said with a laugh.

"It stings?" Emma asked, her face slowly draining of color.

"It is not as horrible as you think," said Victoria, "or rather as how Nicholas paints it to be."

Nicholas shrugged. "But fret not, Emma," he said, patting his sister's shoulder, "should it sting, you have five brothers to beat the soul out of the man."

Emma swallowed. "If it stings, I believe I would demand more than a fair beating."

"Oh dear," Victoria said with a gasp, "you have been around your brothers far too long, Emma."

"Well, if someone ever makes me love him, he ought to make certain it stays that way," she uttered.

Nicholas chuckled. "You have much to learn, Emma." He walked away before he heard more of his sister's questions.


Carmel later found him in one of the gaming rooms. She was escaping a game of Faro, she had said, as she settled beside him, entertaining him with stories known only to women in the ball while Nicholas played a game of cards with three other gentlemen.

Another great quality of Carmel was that she could engage with men without being the center of mockery. She could enjoy their companion while gaining their respects.

After a few more rounds of cards, Nicholas had started to relax.

Until Durley's name was mentioned.

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