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"Bellamy!" Clarke exerted a high pitch scream due to the excruciating pain in her pelvic region. "Where is he?" Her words lay softer although hips feel like they're about to break apart, her bones stretching to places they shouldn't be. Her voice quivered. "I need Bellamy." Through everything, the drop ship, MT. Weather, Arkadia, City of Light, The Conclave, The Bunker, and even Space, everything, Bellamy was always there. He was there holding her up and keeping her alive. In many more ways than just one.

"He should be here any minute, I paged for him twice!" Jackson looks frantically from Abby who was trying to console her inconsolable daughter, then to Clarke who lay strictly stressed.

Clarke is draped in a large sheet, sweat beading from her forehead. "Where is he?" She looks to her mother and Abby wipes her forehead. Her voice is gentle and weak before she screeches out in pain once again, only to take a deep breath and find a safe spot in uneasy breaths.

Seeing her daughter in so much physical pain reminded her of so many important moments in Clarke's life. When Clarke took a blood transfusion of nightblood, literally convulsing and there was hardly a thing she could do, holding her hand in the chest of Ontari just trying and praying it would keep her alive. Or when she watched her Father get floated, and she literally watched the air get sucked from his lungs to the point of no return. His t-shirt tight to his body as the universe acted as a vacuum, sucking out any source of life that he had to offer. Clarke was strong, and every moment of weakness she had ever endured only made her stronger. "He'll be here soon." Abby soothes, wishing 'soon' was going to be here more quickly.

Bellamy barges through the door, his chancellor uniform on and his face beat red and fleshy. "I'm so sorry it took me so long." The moment Clarke hear's his voice she sighs in relief. He rushes over to her, wiping her forehead of sweat and tears. "Babe, Clarke, how are you feeling?"

"Feeling like I'm about to push a baby out of a much to small of door." She squints her eyes and grinds her teeth. 

"How long has she been like this?" Bellamy whispers to Abby as she's finishing setting up for the birth. An irritated Clarke was not always the most pleasant.

Abby shrugged. "A few hours, but no progress. I can't believe they didn't get you here sooner."

Guilt hurries inside of him. He didn't want to leave his pregnant wife for a mission, but being the chancellor... duty calls. "I was out of range." Something that everyone in that room knew and respected.

When Bellamy arrived home from space, Clarke nor Bellamy wasted any time letting their feelings be known. They were in love, and they always had been. It just took the end of the world for either of them to realize it. While in space, Echo had comforted Bellamy. He had fallen into a hole of guilt and told her everything, including his feelings for Clarke. That's how he got the courage to tell her over the radio one night about five months after their departure. Echo had been sitting beside him, and coached him through it. "Just tell her how you feel." And he did. Suddenly, from earth, Clarke didn't feel so lonely.

"Clarke, you're doing great!" Bellamy's hand wipes away the sweat from his wife's forehead. Beads bubbling along her skin and he kisses the top of her head tenderly. Clarke was white knuckled, holding on to Bellamy as the pain was increasing in her uterus. Bellamy was horrified, seeing her in so much distress. They had been through so much, but somehow nothing compared to this exact moment.

The birth was rocky, and rough, Clarke screaming out in complete and agonizing pain, and Bellamy had no way to make it any better. He held a cloth to her forehead, wiping away sweat but he was so helpless. This continued on for several hours. One minute she would be fine, and the next she was choking on her own breath, her hips collating a pain that felt similar to breaking a bone. Bellamy rubbed his thumb softly over her hand in circular motions whenever her contractions began again. There had been several births on the ground, including Monty and Harper's daughter only a few weeks ago. But none of them had been this overwhelming, leave it to Clarke Griffin to have the worlds hardest birth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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