Blue Strings From Above

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I want to let everyone know that while this Error is pretty chill and fine with his situation, he is not unaffected by it. It would be impossible to come out totally unscratched, at least mentally and/or emotionally.

For example: Twisted!Error has a fear of white rooms because of being the Anti-Void, put him in a totally white room and he will have one hell of a panic attack. He also has some mental problems as well from being in there for so long and not remembering anything. And when I say not remembering anything, I mean anything.

HWHBB!Error can not stand yelling/screaming, or at least not constant yelling or too many people yelling at the same time. As he is fine with the white part, but the Voices are what really messed him up besides the obvious in that story. Yelling reminds him of the Voices, and that can cause him to have a panic attack or just be stuck in his head in memories as he remembers mostly everything but his original home before the Anti-Void. He also has depression and anxiety. He has many other problems, but they come from other sources then the Anti-Void.

This Error is apathetic from all of this. He is fine with white and yelling, but he has trouble with feelings because of being stuck in the Anti-Void for so long. He can feel them, but doesn't understand them. And usually he only feels a little bit of them, like a pinch before it leaves, he has trouble feeling strong emotions. And then when he does feel strongly, he gets confused as to what he is feeling and may lash out in different ways depending on what he is feeling. Like if he feels strong anger, he may just choke that person out and be confused as to why he is doing it. Some other problems that this Error has may show up later on in the story.

I will not be writing Papyrus in all caps.

-Chapter Start-

Error was right, soon - or at least is seemed soon to him, but the White had no meaning of time - the whole Multiverse was brimming with so many different and colorful AU's. Error knew it was only time before the Monsters figured out how to travel the many different AU's. That and after they figure it out, someone is going to start some shit like the genocidal humans do. And Ink wasn't done with his creating either, Error has watched him draw out even more AU's.

Error knew it would all go to shit eventually. Some of the Monsters would eventually start a conflict with one another once they realize all the different universes, and he had front row seats to see what goes down when it does. When, not if.

But for now he sat back and played with the strings in his hands, his mind blank as the portal in front of him showed UnderTale in the middle of a genocide run. The Voices liked watching this kind of run and usually kept quite during it, but all Error felt was numb.

Right now it was Papyrus Vs the genocidal human. Not that Error knew that, he was too busy trying to think on what he can do. While the White was near perfect, he wanted something else to do. 'Maybe I can take up a hobby....' Error clicked his tongue. 'But what? And with what? There is not much here....'

Then Error happened to glance up at the wrong time. A flash and a scream made him jerk, strings going out to stop the threat to himself automatically and unconsciously. It took Error blinking a few times before he realized what he had done, silence deafening.

He had looked up just when the human was going to give Papyrus that one slice, the one that would turn his body to dust, while Papyrus screamed/talked that he believed in them. Because he was stuck in his head, he did not expect it. So his strings went into the portal and tied the human up.

All Error could do is blink at the portal, it showing a shocked Papyrus and human - and a hidden Sans as well - before letting his lazy smile come back up and let out a small chuckle. "HeH....I DiDn'T sEE tHAT cOMiNG..."

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