*******************    ( The Commander )  ***********************

This time when she woke it was soft and she was covered with a blanket. She gasped and checked her own clothing, it was intact.

"You do not need to fear me, yet, human." the voice growled from a crossed the room, it was much less menacing than the last.

"What is it with Wraith always pointing out I'm human?" she took a deep breath and turned in the direction of the voice. She could hear a multi-toned chuckle in the distance when she turned her ear towards the sound the Wraith continued.

"You are blind, yet you seem to have created quite a stir among my underlings. Six dead during your capture and another here on my hive." he kept his tones calm and watched the human as she listened to him.

"And I will kill any one of you that tries to touch me." she had found the edge of the bed she sat on and was slowly moving down the edge in search of anything useful. "So what am I to do with you? It seems a waste to end such a spirited life by simply feeding on you as my underlings would have done. But I can not have you just killing my crew. If you are looking for a weapon, you will not find one there." he growled calmly. As she pulled her hand away from the desk she had been searching next to her. He never approached her, he remained at the same distance, he calmly discussed the situation with her, it reminded her all too much of her own wraith.

"What do you want from me?" she calmly asked.

"Perhaps I just wish... a taste of your fruit." his purring was seductive in nature and it moved. She took several deep breaths and followed the sound.

"I will never betray him." she said protectively.

"Ah. So there is another?" he asked inquisitively. She could hear the clink of glass, and the flow of water. "You must tell me of him. He must be a strong soul to keep such a powerful mate." the voice came closer to her and she moved back from it. "Water." the Wraith purred next to her. She took several deep breaths before she reached a hand out into the air, a glass found its way into her grasp. When she took a small sip, it felt so good to wash the blood away, she took several more until the taste was diluted.

"You can't persuade me or seduce me. I've already made my choice." she slowly moved away from the voice only to be caught in its grasp. The Wraith moved very close and very slow, he teased her with his breath, if she hadn't already been seduced she might have easily let him.

"No." she growled and pushed him away. "You are not my Parvana" she cried.

"Your mate is wraith?" he growled. As he backed away from her.

"What does it matter?" She snapped back at him. She heard a hiss and several growls between footsteps.

"If you leave this room, your life will be forfeit. I will not warn you again." the wraith groaned and the whisk of a door opening and closing left her with only the hum of the hive around her. She soon fell into the blankets around her and passed out.

     *********************    (the elder )    *************************

She woke sometime later in a panic.There was nothing around her she was still in the same soft bed she fell asleep in. After sitting for some time she started to move about the room, she found a few small tables and a large cabinet with cloth inside. When she found the door she stood in it for almost an hour before she went back inside, running was no longer her best option. She eventually sat back down on the bed and she heard the swish of the door opening. A low toned growl and then it closed. The foot steps came right up next to her, and she heard the clunk of something hitting the table nearby.

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