He couldn't change what happened as they all grew up; he regretted not keeping in touch with the others, however that was all going to change. Some of the elder Chosen Childs had organized a reunion for tonight. When Davis shared the news with him, Ken been excited. He was excited to see his old friends, see how much they have changed, what they were doing now. And after this time he wanted to make sure he would stay in touch with the others. He was not going to lose his old friends again.

Ken couldn't wait until tonight. He loved what his life had become, how much he had changed, and he wanted his old friends to be apart of his life moving forward.


"Y-Y- YOU BASTARD! GET THE HELL OUT!! IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN I SWEAR... I'LL KILL YOU," yelled a purple haired woman as she pushed a black haired man out the front door.

"Yolei wait! Let me explain," the man yelled, only to have a book thrown at his face.

"No Lee! Don't say another word! What the hell were you thinking? That I wasn't going to find out?! Well I found out and now I want you out! I don't want to hear your bullshit! Get the hell out of my house!" Yolei screamed. She had every right to be mad at him. How dare he cheat on her?! They'd been dating for almost a year now and Yolei found the bastard been sleeping around with other women! How could she be so stupid? How could she not see it?!

Lee stepped back into the house, closer to Yolei. He needed her to listen to him; he needed to explain. He just needed her to calm down so he could reason with her. He was not ready to lose her.

To focus on her next item to throw at the piece of shit, Yolei hadn't notice Lee walking into the apartment closing the front door behind him. When she finally did Yolei froze noticing he was inches away from her.

Yolei still couldn't believe this was happening to her! She gave her heart to this man after everything that she'd been though. She thought she could finally open up and trust someone again, even love again. But she was wrong. She couldn't believe she trusted this man. That she once thought he was the one for her. How wrong she'd been. She still couldn't believe he had been cheating on her these past months; that he had other woman on the side, and he never really loved her.

Yolei could still remember the first time she met Lee. Her brother; Mantarou had introduced the two. Lee was a close friend of Mantarou. Her brother and Lee met in college and quickly became best friends. They spent most of their time together. The first time her brother had brought Lee to the house and introduced him to her, Yolei's heart skipped a beat. Lee was gorgeous, he was a good two feet taller than her, had beautiful long black hair tied in a low ponytail, a well-built body, and he had these sparkling green eyes that drew her in. He made her become a fool every time he was near. She thought he been a model! Yolei could still remember the times Lee would come over to study with Mantarou, and every time Lee came over Yolei tried her best to get a look at him and not blush. She'd have the biggest crush on him since day one, but couldn't act on it; he was her brother's best friend.

Well that was until Mantarou and Lee graduated from college. One day Mantarou received a call from overseas for a job offer from some big company. They had an opening for an IT position and it was a chance of a lifetime. Yolei been heartbroken when Mantarou told her he was going to take it; that this job would change their family and his life forever. Before Mantarou left he had told Lee to look after Yolei.

Her brother had feared leaving Yolei alone in Tokyo, even when Yolei assured him she was okay. Once Mantarou was gone, Lee came over a lot; he would come to check on her; sometimes he'd bring food so they could have lunch and/or dinner together, walk her to and from work, and soon one thing led to another until finally Lee asked her out.

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