Chapter 21: Laughable Lie!

Start from the beginning

"So..." I said looking at him expectantly. I knew he felt awkward discussing what happened at the frat party in front of Reese. We haven't seen one another around nor have we spoken about it.

As much as I wanted to believe that he's been extremely busy with school, I knew the truth. Hunter was avoiding me because of our almost kiss.

Hunter's cheeks blushed a bit as he bit down nervously on his bottom lip, pulling it into his mouth. "So....what?" He asked trying to play dumb as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet gazing back at me innocently.

I just stared at him blankly for a few minutes sipping on my latte, before he finally cracked. He took a big gulp of his frozen coffee before he began speaking.

"Ok, yes I may have been avoiding you a little." Hunter finally confessed embarassed. "It's just I really like you a lot. We were having such a great time at the party, nevermind the fact that the alcohol didn't help my situation any. I'm sorry for misjudging your feelings and overstepping my boundaries." He rambled on.

"Hunt." I said softly as I placed my hand on his arm. " I wasn't looking for an apology, we were both at fault. Listen, I think you're a great guy and let's face it you're hot. If I was single it'd be a different story, but I'm not. I just don't want things to be awkward between us, because I value your friendship."

He gave me the biggest smile as his warm brown eyes sparkled a bit. "I value our friendship too, and I hope nothing's changed between us. Besides, Zac's strong as hell so I don't think I'm gonna try anything like that again, unless you're single." He winked and chuckled loudly.

Hunter walked me to my car so that I could head home to change for work. I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck as he instantly wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Promise to stop avoiding me?" I asked playfully punching him in the chest.

Hunter scrunched his face up in fake hurt, "Oww!" He laughed. "I promise to stop avoiding you, if you stop inflicting bodily harm on me. We'll get together for lunch next week ok?"

"That's better." I smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek.

I stopped by home to get a shower and change quickly before heading into work. Zac and Chad were at Debevoise and Sullivan helping out with some cases.

Our dads already having offered both of them a spot as junior lawyers once they pass the state bar exam. I tidied up the apartment a bit, throwing some of Zac's clothes he left strewn about in the hamper.

Ugh, guys will be guys! Zac's normally a very tidy person, but I guess he's getting used to having me pick up after him!

"Hey sweetness." Aiden called out as he opened the door to my apartment. "Ready to go?"

"Yea, I'm ready." I stated as I made my way out of the bedroom, pulling my hair back into a low ponytail.

We expected things to be a little crazy at Finnerty's tonight, for starters it's Friday night. Secondly, people are stressed from finals and will want to unwind. Lastly, we're running a crazy drink special...2 mixed drinks or two shots and a beer from tap for $10. 

The drink special alone was sure to bring out the best of the alcoholics on campus! Aiden and I already prepared ourselves for a rowdy crowd and we added 3 extra bouncers to the mix just in case we needed the extra security.

From the moment we arrived at work up until three hours into our shift, Aiden and I were running around like chickens with our heads cut off. It was unbelievable, how busy we were tonight!

"Welcome to Finnerty's what can I get you?" I asked quickly without looking up, trying to assist my next customer as I was occupied with washing glasses.

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