☯Chapter 4: The Warriors of Kyoshi☯

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"You have no idea where you're going, do you?" Sokka asked.
"Well, I know it's near water," Aang said.
"I guess we're getting close then."
Katara was sewing up a hole in Sokka's pants, Ann-Ji was watching the water roll by, and Sokka was trying to find where they were on the map.
"Momo," Aang said, "Marbles please."
Momo crawled into Aang's shirt, looking fort a marble. Ann-Ji stifled a laugh. Momo came back out with a marble and put it in Aang's hand.
"Hey Katara, check out this airbending trick!" Aang said excitedly.
He then started to airbend the marble he was holding into a very fast circle. Katara continued to sew up the hole in Sokka's pants.
"That's great, Aang," She said without looking.
"You didn't even look," Aang said while stopping and catching the marble.
"That's great!" Katara said, turning to face Aang.
"But I'm not doing it now," Aang said flatly.
"Stop bugging her, airhead," Sokka said, "You need to give girls some peace when they're doing their sewing."
"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?" Katara asked.
"Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys. And guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things."
"All done with your pants. And look what a great job I did!" Katara said sarcastically while throwing Sokka's pants at his face.
"Wait! I was just kidding! I can't wear these. Katara, please!" Sokka said while sticking his arm through the remaining hole.
"You know, doing that will only make the hole worse," Ann-Ji said laughing slightly.
"Be quie,t Ann-Ji."
"Hey! I was just saying!" Ann-Ji said while putting her hand up in innocence.
"Relax, Sokka," Aang said, "Where we're going, you won't need any pants!"
The group soon arrived at an island with a crescent shaped bay. They landed on the shore.
"We just made a pit stop yesterday," Sokka said jumping down from Appa's saddle, "Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?"
"He's right. At this rate we won't get to the North pole until Spring," Katara said.
"But Appa's tired already. Aren't you boy?" Aang asked Appa.
Appa kept still and silent.
"I said, aren't you boy?"
Appa let out something that Ann-Ji thought was suppose to be a yawn.
"Oh yeah, that's real convincing," Sokka said sarcastically, "But still, hard to argue with a ten ton magical monster."
Ann-Ji swore, if that were a second language, Sokka would be the most fluent in it out of the four of them. Aang ran towards the water and gasped.
"Look!" Aang cried.
Just then, a giant Elephant Koi jumped out of the water.
"That's why we're here," Aang said while starting to strip, "Elephant Koi. And I'm gonna ride it! Katara, you've gotta watch me!"
With that, Aang jumped into the water. When he came back up, he cried,
Sokka held a finger up to the side of his head and started to move it in small circles.
"Hey! That's rude, Sokka!" Ann-Ji cried.
Aang swam out and caught the back spine of one of the Elephant Koi and started to ride it. Katara watched in awe as Sokka just stood there, his arms crossed across his chest.
"He looks pretty good out there," Katara said.
"Are you kidding me? The fish is doing all the work," Sokka said.
"No, Appa! Don't eat that!"
The whole time Momo was jumping up and down on the shore.
"There's something in the water!" Sokka yelled.
Ann-Ji looked at the water and saw a large shadow moving very quickly towards the Elephant Koi that Aang was on. A koi sprang out of the water, only to be pulled back under.
"What's wrong?" Katara asked as Momo began to screech in fear.
"Aang's in trouble," Sokka said.
"Aang!" Ann-Ji yelled, "Get out of there!"
The three on shore started to flail their arms as they yelled for Aang to get back to the shore. He waved back at us. Then the koi he was riding was pulled out from under him, throwing him forward. He fell into the water as a big, black spinal fin came out of the water right behind him. It rose up really high into the sky. Aang turned, screamed, and started to run on top of the water with the help of airbending.
The torn looking fin started to chase after him. It was gaining but then Aang ran straight into Sokka, causing both of them to be thrown back onto the sand. The fin sank back into the water.
"What was that thing?" Katara asked.
"I don't know," Aang said.
"Well let's not stick around to find out," Sokka said dusting off his hands, "Time to hit the road."
Just then Ann-Ji saw people jump from the trees. They bound and blindfolded the group and bagged Momo. Then they were thrown harshly onto the ground.
"Or we could stay a while," Sokka said.
"Now's not the time, Sokka," Ann-Ji said.

The group was bound to a pole but still blindfolded.
"You four have some explaining to do," A male voice said.
"And if you don't answer all of our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the Unagi," A female voice said.
"Show yourselves, cowards!" Sokka cried.
Their blindfolds were removed and before them stood five girls that were dressed like warriors.
"Who are you?" Sokka asked, "Where are the men who ambushed us?"
"There were no men" The woman in front cried, "We ambushed you! Now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?"
"Wait a second! There's no way a bunch of girls took us down."
"A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi is gonna eat well tonight," The lead girl said while grabbing Sokka's collar.
"No! Don't hurt him!" Katara pleaded, "He didn't mean it! My brother's just and idiot sometimes."
The lead girl released her grip on Sokka's collar.
"It's my fault," Aang said, "I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the Elephant Koi."
"How do we know that you are not Fire Nation spies?" The man asked, "Kyoshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way."
"This island is named for Kyoshi?" Aang asked.
"I know Kyoshi!" Ann-Ji said happily
The man scoffed, "How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here four hundred years ago. She's been dead for centuries!"
"I know her because I'm the Avatar, along with my brother," Ann-Ji said.
"That's impossible!" The lead woman cried, "The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared years ago. And there was only one!"
"Well, that's us!" Aang said.
"Throw the impostors to the Unagi!" The man yelled.
The women pulled out fans and started to move towards us and the man started to walk away.
"Aang, Ann-Ji, do some airbending," Katara murmured.
Aang and Ann-Ji took in some air and flew up the pole they were on, their ropes catching on the statue at the top and breaking. Then they lowered themselves to the ground with their airbending. The girls gasped in amazement.
"It's true!" The man said, "You two are the Avatars."
"Now, check this out!" Aang said pulling out his marble and airbending it into small, fast circles.
Ann-Ji hit her forehead. But yet, all the girls started to cheer. One even started to foam at the mouth before passing out. Wonderful.

The Last Airbenders: Book OneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora