The dream

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Lil's pov
I was sitting in my cell with Gumi when I noticed a small hole. It had light shining through it. I looked at Gumi she was asleep. I looked back at the hole and slowly crawled over to the it tilting my head slightly as I did so.
I reached out my hand and tapped the wall that surrounded it. Immidiately a large crack spread across the wall. I smiled. I could finnaly get out of here. I tapped on the wall again and this time it broke off. There was now a large hole where the padded wall once was.
I smiled widely. I ran over to Gumi. I shook her. "GUMI GET UP WE CAN ESCAPE!!!" I whisper-yelled. She growled and rubbed her eyes. But than prossesd what I had just said and immidiately got up.
She took me by the hand and walked out of the cell.
We were greeted by Lilly who was smilling brightly at us. She took my other hand and we all ran into the woods. We were running far away from that horrible place. I knew we would be okey somehow. The woods seemed so friendly it was so colourful. It was bright and warm. There were birds singing and lots of cute animals scurrying at my feet.
I smiled happily. I was free.
But than it got dark. Very dark. The once colorful trees suddenly became black and branches had become long and knarled. They were grabbing at us. The once small and cute animals became the mean and violant guards from before.
The trees grabbed Lilly and Gumi their claw like branches twisting their bodies. They screamed in agony. I tried to run to them but I was held back by the guards.
Than the woman came. The woman from before who had abused me. (The one that kept pushing her back down and kept saying to get up) She smiled evily. I looked at her. My eyes pleading for mercy. But she just smiled a long and twisted smile. There was only pure evil and hatred in her eyes.
She had a lit match in her hand and started walking towards the trees that Lilly and Gumi were in.
"NO PLEASE N-" I was cut off by one of the guards slapping me across the face. The woman cackled like a witch. No not like a witch she IS a witch. I glared at her. She smirked back.
She than lit the trees on fire. The flames hit Lilly and Gumi. They screamed in agony. "LET ME GO PLEASE!!!" "END IT ALREADY!!" "PLEASE JUST KILL ME!!!" their pleading screams fell on death ears. One of the guards cut my throat. Blood oozed out of it. I started chocking.
The witch walked up to me with that horrible smile on her face. "You can end this if you ask." She said.
I tried to speak but everytime I did I just coughed up more blood.
"Tick tock Oh would you look at that their begging you" she said in a sickingly sweet voice.
I tried again and again and again. But each time I just lost more blood. I felt dizzy and my throat hurt so badly. Everytime I tried to talk it felt like I was being stabbed.
I collapsed to the ground.
Gumi's and Lilly's bodies were now no longer moving. The trees let go of them. And a bucket of water was thrown at their bodies. Which were now nothing but blackened bones. It was clear that they were both dead.
The women bent down to me and smiled again. "They're dead and it's all your fault."
She than punched me in the face.
-end of dream-
I woke up to find myself screaming,crying and sweating. Gumi was hugging me. I hugged her back. I had stopped screaming but I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't hold back my tears. "It's okey it's okey I'm here its okey your okey." She said her voice wad comforting. But I knew that it wasn't okey. It definitely wasn't okey. I wasn't okey. Gumi wasn't okey. Lilly wasn't okey. Nothing was okey. The women's words were forever stuck in my head. "They're dead and it's all your fault." Real or not. Those words hurt me more than any torture ever could.
"It felt so real..." I whispered.
Gumi held me tightly. She continued telling me it would all be okey.

But both her and I knew she was lying.
We were stuck here until we died. She knew that and so did I and no amount of "it's okey's" could change that.

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