My Sadness

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I could use big words to explain my sadness,

or I could simply tell you that I am sad..

but whatever way, and however I say, its still the same.

the sound the draining bathtub makes, is my sadness.

the way the homeless man crinkles his eyes in the blinding sun as you drive by, is my sadness.

as you drown, and your lungs fill with water,

that is my sadness.

the rushing wind of a hurricane, is my sadness.

the vibrations that moan off of a broken guitar, is my sadness.

the frustrated yell of a mother to a child, and the exasperated sigh of a person giving up...

that is my sadness.

and even though sadness is so ugly...

it is more beautiful than anything in the world.

because to be truly happy...

you have to know sadness.

you have to feel the feelings of the world crush you

until you are almost nothing.

then you have to rise,

and fight to breathe

and chase off your demons, drive them off of a cliff, like they were trying to do to you.

until you've felt true sadness... you can not feel...

you cant appreciate company, unless you have been alone.

an emotion so strong... that it can change you.

in ways you never thought possible.

you don't know yourself, until you reach your breaking point.

no, farther than your breaking point...

until you reach that place that no one has yet to invent a word for.

but I like to call it hell.

i've been through hell,

now i'm searching for my heaven.

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