The Misunderstood & Lonesome Man

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Her eyes glistened even in the midst of complete darkness

Her heart, glowed, even in daylight.

Brillance seeped out of every pore of her body, and all of her bones screamed magnificence.

Then she spoke.

Her words flowed out of her mouth like water rushing down a silent waterfall.

Even an utter, held a musical tone.

When she cried her eyes burned like fire. And as tears poured down, trying to put out the fire going on through her mind, she... wiped them away, as if they were- a nuissance. They were just trying to save her.

And her mind, in simplicity, was wonderful. Every single nerve that connected to her soul was like a firework.

She held on to things, even the most random things, yes. The time the kid with his father picked up a dollar that fell out of her careless pocket and gave it back - that is still burned into her brain.

and when she touched, she sent tingles and shivers through my spine. So much I can not bear it, causing me to stay my distance from her.


He stared at me while I cried, and gave me weird looks. Not trying to comfort me as I wiped away my tears, he just furrowed his brows in confusion and all I could do was wonder what was going on inside his complex mind.

When I spoke, he never listened to what I was saying. He just stared at my mouth and his lips perked up into a smile.

He treated me as if I had some sickness or, disease. Even a bump of my knee to his sent him whirling away.


"You don't care for me," she told me.

but it was hard for me to comprehend as the rushing of silent waterfalls fell out of her mouth. A soft backround to the harsh words she was telling me.

"All i've ever done is care for you-" I didn't understand why she thought this way.

"I'm sorry. I can't be with a man who doesn't appreciate me."

I let her go. I watched her walk away, shining a brilliant color of gold and leaving a trail of rose scent behind her.

but she left me confused. so very confused.

as the days went by I searched for another like her, and I found some but this time I listened to what they said and ignored the music coming out, and I ignored the tingles that surged through my body,

and they all still told me. "You don't appreciate me."

and now, I am so lonely.

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