"So did the first plane crash." Sam said.

"Well why 40?" I asked.

"The number 40, It's biblical numerology. You know Noah's ark, it rained for forty days. The number means death." Sam replied.

"I went back, and there have been six plane crashes over the last decade that all went down exactly forty minutes in." Sam added.

"When did you have time to do that research?" Dean asked.

"In the car on the way here." Sam replied.

"Were there any survivors in the other crashes?" I asked.

"No. Not until flight 2485." Sam said.

"So it's going after all the survivors then." I said.

"Okay who's another survivor?" Dean asked Jerry.

"Amanda Walker. Her first time back on the job, her flight leaves Indianapolis tonight at 8." Jerry said.

We walked out and got in the car. We were driving for about an hour. Sam was on the phone with other survivors getting them not to fly.

"Do you think we'll make it Dean?" I asked.

"We'll make it." He replied.

We parked the Impala and went inside quickly. The departure board said that her flight boards in 30 minutes.

"Okay we have some cards to play. We need to find a phone." Dean said.

He found a phone and called Amanda. He was talking and me and Sam were waiting on the side.

"You think we're gonna gank this thing?" I asked him.

"Of course." Sam said.

"Are your headaches getting better?" Sam asked.

"Yeah I haven't haven't had one in a while." I replied. I lied. I had one this morning but it was really quick so I didn't think it was important.

Dean walked to us.

"Damn so close!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, option two we get on that plane." Sam said.

"Whoa, wait a second." Dean said wide-eyed.

"Dean, there's over a hundred people on that flight, we need to go because if we're right that planes gonna crash." Is snapped.

"I know." Dean replied.

"Okay. So we're getting on the plane, we need to find that demon and exorcise it. I'll get the tickets. You guys get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes." Sam said.

We nodded and walked to the car to get stuff, you know holy water, exorcism books and rituals. We met back with Sam and started through security and all that stuff you have to go through when flying. We made it just as the plane was starting to board. We went onto the plane and sat down. I sat across from Sam and Dean, next to this old man. The plane took off and Dean started humming Metallica.

"Are you humming Metallica?" I heard Sam ask.

"It calms me down." Dean said. He stood and went to talk to Amanda. The old man started to fall asleep, he started leaning on me. Ugh I can see why Dean hates flying. I rolled my eyes and Sam laughed. I glared at him.

Dean walked back, he was down the hallway when a little turbulence hit. The plane shakes a little and Dean shouted,

"C'MON THAT CANT BE NORMAL!" Dean shouted.

"Dean! Sit the fuck down and chill." I hissed. Dean looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Fuck?" He said, like a father would.

I looked at my shoes, ignoring the old man on my shoulder. Dean sat down.

Sam and Dean talked in a hushed voice. Dean calmed down. I needed to pee so I got the old man off me and went to the back to go to the bathroom. I walked out and Sam and Dean were talking to Amanda.

"..listen a lot of people are going to die if you don't bring the co-pilot in here." I heard Dean say. Amanda nodded and walked through the curtain to get the co-pilot.

"The co-pilot is possessed." Sam informed me. We peeked behind the curtain and saw Amanda and the co-pilot walking back.

"Okay here's some holy water." Dean said as he handed me a bottle of it. I pulled out my dagger and soaked it in the bottle. We stood on the side of the curtain when they walked through. Dean grabbed the co-pilot and shoved him to the ground and duct taped his mouth so he couldn't leave the vessel. Sam and I poured holy water on him, watching him sizzle.

"Wait I thought you were going to talk to him?" Amanda asked. I pulled her aside.

"Listen, we are talking to him. You need to stay calm. Go wait outside the curtain and don't let anybody in. Got it!" I said. She nodded and went out of the curtain. I turned back.

Sam had started the exorcism. The. the demon knocked Dean off and headed for Sam.

"I know what happened to your girlfriend! She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!" The demon hissed. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around to punch him. He dodged it and ran me into a wall. His hand was at my throat.

"And you! The child with Angel Blood!! I'll really enjoy watching it suffer, and die!" He hissed. His grip on my throat tightened and he started lifting me off the ground. It was getting hard to breathe He saw me struggle and smirked. Suddenly he was thrown backward and I dropped to the ground.

Dean pinned the demon down.

"Sam c'mon finish the exorcism!" Dean said.

Sam started again but the demon left the co-pilots body.

"Shit he could be anywhere now." I hissed.

Dean came up to be, "Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"I'm fine." I said. Suddenly the plane started diving forward,  plunging towards the ground. The book fell through the curtain. We all fell as well. Everyone was screaming. I saw the book under a seat and grabbed it before it slid away. I gave it to Sam quickly and he finished the exorcism. The plane leveled and the demon was gone.

I sighed in relief. The plane went back to the Indianapolis airport and everyone got off. The police were asking Amanda questions. She saw us walking past and smiled, then she mouthed "Thank you." We smiled and left the airport.

We got in the car and Dean turned to me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I replied. He shrugged and started the car. I watched the trees swish by and thought to myself.

"Angel blood? I don't have angel blood, do I?" I asked myself. Eventually my tiredness got the better of me and I fell asleep.

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