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We drove the Orchard. It was late. The van from the shop was sitting on the side of the road, abandoned.

"Damn." I muttered. We pulled over and got out of the car. My gun was in my jeans. We walked through the Orchard. We spotted them running. They stopped when they saw us.

"Go back to your car." I said. The nodded and kept running. The scarecrow was moving on its own, coming closer to us.

"Go!" Dean yelled. They ran faster. I aimed my gun at its chest and shot at it. It stumbled but kept moving.

Dean shoots at it and it doesn't stop. We looked at each other and when we turned back it was gone. We got in our car and went to a motel.

We walked in and set our bags down. I pulled out my phone and dialed Sam's number.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked.

"We need Sam." I said. I put the phone on speaker and Sam answered.

"Katie what's up." Sam said.

"Sam we need help on this case." I said.

"Here I'll explain. Go shower." Dean said. He took the phone and walked outside. I went to the shower and got ready for bed. I walked back out and Dean was back inside.

"What'd he say?" I asked.

"Well I'm pretty sure it's a Pagan God." Dean said.

"Possessing the scarecrow?" I asked.

"Yeah." Dean said.

"So lets go talk to the professor at the community college." I suggested.

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Because while we were at the shop I saw a flyer for a professor who teaches Pagan ideology." I said.

"Good eye." Dean said. I smiled. I crawled into one of the beds and Dean got into the other and we fell asleep.

••••The Next Morning••••

"Rise and shine Kitty Kat." Dean said. I groaned.

"I hate that nickname." I said.

"Whatever get up. I got an appointment with the professor at 10:00 am." Dean said. I slowly got out of bed and went to get dressed.

We pulled up to the college at 9:55. Just in time. We walked into his office.

"Hello." The professor said. I'm going to call him Fred in my head.

"Hi. We have a question about Pagan ideology." Dean said.

"It's not everyday I get those types of questions." Fred said.

"Call it a hobby." I said.

"So on the phone you said you were interested in the local lore." Fred said.

"Yeah." I said.

"I'm afraid Indiana isn't really known for its Pagan worship." Fred said.

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