Debate #1

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Kyli stepped to center stage.

"Welcome to our first presidential debate! The future of our school hangs in the balance-the stakes could not be higher. Unless this happened to be the final presidential debate-"

Mark stepped up to his mic, "Uh, how many debates are we having?"

"Who knows?" Kyli said, slightly annoyed, "Tonight we will feature two candidates for president: Mark Davenport and mysterious newcomer Christy Martin, who has surged in recent polls and could be considered the front-runner. We will be featuring town-hall style tonight, in which the moderator-that's me-will solicit questions from our town-hall audience-that's you. Each candidate will be given one minute to answer the question, and their opponent is given a 30 second rebuttal. All right?" Shew looked at the audience in anticipation, "LETS GET RREEADYYY TO RRRRUUUUUMMMBBBLLLLLEEEE!!!!!!!!!"

We cheer and stomp our feet. Once it dies down she adds, " I just kind of always wanted to do that."

Christy and Mark shook hands, and I think I heard from her, "I will crush you like a bug." I smirked. 

Kyli gestured to a smaller high-school girl for question one, "Yes-my question for both candidates: What are your qualifications for president?"

I smiled, come on Christy, you got this.

Mark went first, "Um  . . . Well uh . . . I think I'm qualified because . . . I have good ideas and uh . . I'm hard working . . uh responsible, and awesome." 

Kyli looked incredulously at him, "You still have 45 seconds left." 

"Oh, well uh . . . I also uhm . . . have good ideas and uh . . . I like sports."

"You have 35 more seconds."

"Awh come ON! that was more than ten seconds! How many do I have now?"

"I am not counting arguing time against you. You still have 35 seconds."

"Can I . . . cede the rest of my time to my opponent?"

"Well, sure." Kyli said, a huge smile on her face.

Christy smiled, as she began her long speech about her grandfather owning a hair salon or something, I got a text.

Gary: Gwen!

Gwen: What do you want?

Gary: Remember the ad you wanted about Mark?

Gwen: Yes?

Gary: We kinda sorta messed it up and it got deleted.

Gwen: WHAT?!?!

Gary: It's okay! Look, we got another one for you. This time though, we air it live. So you can text us what you want to do.

Gwen: That . . . isn't actually a bad plan.

Gary: I'll keep you posted.

Gwen: Thanks bro.

I was snapped back to reality with the next question.

"How would you change things here at Presley High School?"

Mark went on about his "amazing" three point plan. Ugh. Boooooring.

Kyli paused, "You have 40 seconds left." After that short little excerpt by him.

Mark folded his hands, "I cede the rest of my time to my opponent to lay out her crazy plans."

Oh, he is in for it. Kyli and I shared a look.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2017 ⏰

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