Chapter Two

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"Wake up, wake up," a voice whispered in my ear. My eyes slowly blinked open and I stared at the stone ceiling above me. Where was I? "There you are," the voice said beside me.

I turned my head to see Prince Dorian smiling down at me. He brushed some hair away from my face and stroked my cheek. "You're finally awake," he said.

I awoke more and felt worried. Was it improper of me to sleep so long? I didn't know what the prince expected of his slaves after they pleasured him...or he pleasured them? I was still confused about what had happened the night before. I had never had someone so focused on me before, on making me feel good. I had been taught practically my whole life to block all my feelings of arousal, but that wasn't what the prince wanted of me.

I sat up a little in the bed, feeling unsure. "I'm sorry, your highness. Should I have woken before and-"

"Hush," he said and put a firm hand on my shoulder, silently informing me I was not allowed to leave the bed.

My breath shuttered. He made me feel things I had never felt before and I didn't know how to react to it. "Your highness, would you like me to-" I moved my hand a little towards his thigh.

"No, Camille." His tone was gentle, but I instantly snatched my hand away, feeling dirty for suggesting it. Maybe he didn't want me to touch him. I was still so perplexed about what he expected of me. "It's time to eat," he said. "Breakfast."

He snatched a tray from the bedside table and placed it in front of him on the bed. I noticed it had a selection of fruits, breads, and meats on it. "Sit up a little more," he instructed me and I did. I was about to offer to feed him, because I was well trained in that too, but he held a piece of apple to my lips before I could. "Open," he said and I did. He placed the fruit in my mouth and he watched me chew before he turned back to the food.

I covered my mouth with my hand, eyebrows drawing together and a frown breaking across my face. This wasn't right. He wasn't supposed to be feeding me.

I swallowed the apple and he was there with a piece of meat between his fingers, telling me to eat again.

"Your highness," I said, feeling awkward.

He raised an eyebrow, staring at me.

I looked down and quickly opened my mouth. He placed the meat on my tongue and turned away to take a few bites of food himself.

I chewed slowly and thought about what was going on here.

I'd heard stories about other kingdoms where a slave might be treated differently than others or favored more.

Where I was from, it was the slave's job to feed the master. But I'd heard the term "pet" thrown around when talking about a slave that was well taken care of, one that was fed and not the one feeding.

No one, especially royalty, had pets in the kingdom I was from. But maybe it was common here where Prince Dorian lived.

It was in his eyes. I knew he didn't see this as a hassle or a burden. It was something he wanted to do. And as strange as it was for me, letting someone dote on me, I couldn't tell him to stop.

He leaned towards me and kissed me lightly, his lips just brushing mine. Then he held up another piece of fruit, a slice orange, for me to eat. I took it between my teeth, but I licked my tongue across his fingers to get the juice before he could pull them away. From the heated look in his eye that he got, I knew he had enjoyed that.

I willingly let him feed me for the rest of our meal. It was awhile before I was sated and full. Eating on my own would much quicker and more efficient, but I now had no qualms about the prince feeding me if he chose too.

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