"Okay, so why can't I tell anyone?"

"Because I said so." I scoffed.

"Huh." He said. "Not good enough. You know I'm actually cooking right now, so make this worth my time."

I rolled my eyes. I can't believe I miss this guy. I mean gay. "I just told you I'm in New York and that no one else knows that. It needs to stay that way."

"Yeah why?" He said in that stubborn tone that I heard him use on his mum so many times.

"Because if they know, they're going to try and find me." I explained. "And right now, I don't wanna be found."

He giggled. "Ooh. Stealth mode."

"Yeah, if you wish to call it that." I frowned.

Okay, anyway, he knows. And that's all the friendly contact I've had. I've asked him not to tell me about how the people in Sydney are doing too, because I know I might end up more alone than I'm already feeling. My friends are probably together right now. It's past midnight in Sydney. I bet they're drinking. Oh how I wish to be there right now.

The view from my hotel room was just the same buildings and people. It's a good thing there's are loads of places to eat nearby. Lou told me to keep my head low in case someone decides to take a picture and tell the world. Anyway, I got up and tried to find lunch.

At the lobby, I saw a girl with hair almost the same shade as Melissa's. She was sitting next to a guy with jet black hair, and... jet black everything. From his jacket to his boots. If my vision was poor, I'd think it was the double M couple. My heart did summersaults at the thought of it. But it can't be them. They're halfway around the world, and are probably having fun without me.

"Merry Christmas, ma'am." The hotel guard smiled as he pulled open the door.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled.

And then my phone vibrated from my pocket.

iMessage: Melissa

She's been trying to reach out for days. I blocked everyone on social media, but she knows my e-mail, and she's been sending me those. She messaged me on iMessage, but I was careful not to open the thread. I could have easily deactivated my iMessage, but I was afraid that something would go wrong and all my messages would be erased. I know I'm trying to move on, but some things just have a really huge sentimental value.

This time, though, I decided to talk. Something about that couple in the hotel lobby makes my heart ache. It's been too long, and there's so much that I wanted to tell her. It was easier to ignore everything, because that made it easier to forget. It was even easier when you have nothing to ignore. For example, Luke never tried calling or messaging me in any way. I guess he's given up. I wouldn't blame him.

Melissa: Sydny please, wherever you are, I don't care if you tell me. Just please reply to one of my messages.

My fingers hover over the keypad. I don't know what to say. How do you talk to someone you've been ignoring?


A smile crept on my face. I entered Subway, and walked directly to the cashier. I was looking down at my phone, careful that somebody might recognize me. Thankfully, the store is almost empty except for two tables filled by a middle aged man with another middle aged man, and a coupld of punk teenagers. Wow, I guess everyone has families to celebrate Christmas with. Or the Times Square branch of Subway must suck.

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