"Elían," my father's voice was loud now. "A piece of your mother's clothing his out there somewhere and all you say is, well nothing."

'How could I?'

"Say something," he urged.

Avery's pretty face flashed before my eyes.

'Why did you have to interrupt me?'

"The bothers and I considered this a warning from Valiria that she would be back." My father went on.

'I wanted to kiss her...'

Valiria's seducing voice and choice of words came flooding into my mind sending all images away from Avery.

What if I had accepted her offer? I would have saved us a war.

But I would have sold my soul to the devil.

And Avery? I would have killed her without doubt. Why hadn't I yet anyway?

"She will be back," my voice was flat, emotionless.
"She promised to come back and destroy the rest if us, just like she did my mother." I added bitterly, rage beginning to work it's way to cover every fiber of my body.

"She wants your kingdom," I hissed at my dad, "and she won't stop at nothing to have it."

My father had gone quiet and was glaring at me with his mouth slightly agape.

"What the hell are you talking about?" My father questioned outraged.

I stared into his eyes. "She came to me, or actually lured me into Azalea's garden. Asked me to take her hand, take your kingdom; she said we would rule it together."

By now my father's mouth hung lower then it had before, with fire in his eyes.

"She said we would be unstoppable and our children would be the most powerful ever created." I added. I had to get it of my chest.

"She what?" A voice whispered.

Without turning I knew it was Dimitri. The three bothers had entered the room.

"I suppose you heard me right?" I shot back, "she asked me to sell the kingdom." I growled.

In an instant he was in front of me.

"Did you accept?"

Immediately Avery's blue eyes came to my mind and then my mother's sad face.

"No, my mother stopped me." My voice was scruff.

If I didn't have their attention before, I sure had it now. I knew each of the brothers and my father waited for an explanation. For a moment I didn't want to tell them anything, I was still mad at the brothers for never showing up when my mother had been killed; they'd show up for Avery but not for their own cousin.

"Valiria was trying to convince me, seducing me with pretty words and magic no doubt, I felt myself giving in when all of a sudden a force pushed her away, since she was close to me. When I looked around there's she was, hovering above the water. I tried to talk to her but she disappeared." Damn this was about the longest I had ever cared to explain something.

Nobody spoke a word.

It was a dead silence, everybody busy with trying to figure out what had happened.

"When I came back I found Avery in Azalea's tower passed out and barely breathing." Now everybody looked at me with curious eyes. "Both doors are locked, one with a key and the other with a code that only my mother knew. Both doors were open and she was on the ground by the balcony."

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