A bashful smile with soft words. "Can we hold hands? It feels nice to hold your hand." Hoseok could feel his checks becoming warm as a blush slid into his smooth, soft checks.

"Finally."  Yoongi holds out his right hand for Hoseok to hold. "You should of asked sooner I thought I was going to die soon if you wouldn't hold my hand." Yoongi exaggerated and Hoseok's lips grew into a large smile.

"Stop lying."

"I'm not. That's what my heart is telling me."

They continued to walk for another half hour reaching a small field with a pond taking a break. Yoongi had sat down and Hoseok searched for a stick to throw.

After a few throws he decided to take a break too and walked over to Yoongi laying next to him. Yoongi changed his position into propping his arm up next to Hoseok.

Yoongi stared as Hoseok closed his eyes and enjoyed the small cool breeze that bit onto his face.

"It's so nice out." Yoongi hummed in response as he traced over Hoseok's sharp yet gentle features with his eyes.



"Will you look at me."

"What is it?" Hoseok opened his eyes and looked at the male who stared into his eyes. Hoseok looking himself in Yoongi's deep brown eyes and Yoongi admired the way that the sunlight hit Hoseok's eyes as they became a light brown with small hints of red, yellow and black.

Yoongi slowly inched closer and Hoseok watched and waited in anticipation. Nothing could disturb them now unlike last time. The close to kissing scene had been replaying at the back of Hoseok's mind as he wished for it to had happened and the feeling that over whelmed his being.

Their racing hearts beat loudly in their chests like beating drums. The calaminess that developed in their hands from nervousness. The butterflies that raced to be released from the cage with in their stomachs.

There was only a couple of centimeters away feeling each others warm breath brush against their lips that craved for the others soft ones.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes." Hoseok closed his eyes as he could feel the sensation of Yoongi's lips hovering just over his. Hoseok's breath hitched and his heart beat in anticipation to feel the others.

The soft feeling of each others lips sent tingles down their backs craving for more from each other. It gentle and sweet although agonizingly short.

Yoongi had backed away and opened his eyes only centimeters away feeling each other's warm breath once again. Hoseok had never such a feeling before. He had never kissed anybody he killed interested in but something about his first kiss ever made him want more. A curiosity built up in him and the wanting did too, it wasn't just going to go away. He knew that. He wanted -whatever it was- now.

"I want more."

Yoongi leaned back in, not having to think twice. He wanted it just as much as Hoseok did. Once their lips were contract again, yoongi tried to move in and deepen the kiss but the stiffness was evendant. He could easily figure out that the younger had never kissed anybody else.  He pulled back slight, whispering, "Just do as I do." When their lips were meet again, Hoseok followed after Yoongi and after just a few seconds, their lips fell into synchronisation.

Yoongi slightly changed his position. One leg between Hoseok's thighs as the kiss excited him, one hand slowly slide under his shirt, finding its way to his hips making small pressure and caressing the soft skin. He wouldn't overwhelm the younger so he didn't make any other advance. He was after all, still a virgin and he'd take things slowly. A kiss was good enough for him as they had kiss on their wedding day and he thought that he didn't want an awkward flustered husband. They needed to show something more than an arraigned wedding.

Hoseok wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck pulling him closer. Hoseok's hand slowly making its way into his hair lightly tugging at it leaving a deep moan to escape from Yoongi.

Their abdomen were now touching as they released to catch the stolen breath. Yoongi moved to trace Hoseok's jawline with soft pecks down his neck and around it. He moved onto his colar bone and began to suck lightly looking for a specific spot that would be releasing cute, breathy, little moans from the younger's mouth. He told himself he wouldn't go further but he just couldn't help to grow curious as to what his moans sounded when the younger felt pure pleasure.

Hoseok let out a throaty moan that left him a bit surprised at himself as the small blush on his face double in size as his breath was hitched and more moans came running to leave his mouth. Yoongi continued sucking leaving red marks that would later turn into purple and red hickies on the lightly tan skin. At least no one would see it as long as hoseok wore nothing lose around his neck.

When Yoongi was satisfied with the mark he left behind he traced up Hoseoks neck and jaw line back to his lips. Their lips moved in synch once again becoming heated quickly. Yoongi lightly ran his tongue over Hoseok's lips making a cute whiney protest to the odd feeling of Yoongi's tongue over his lips. He whined again giving Yoongi easy access.

Yoongi traced the inside of Hoseok's mouth sucking and Hoseok tried to gain dominance but failed and gave in. He didn't quite understand that, all he knew was he was beyond the clouds.

They separated once again and Yoongi smiled as he looked at the mess Hoseok had turned into with a few kisses. A blush that spread over his apple checks and swollen, red lips that Yoongi wanted more of but held back for Hoseok's own good.

Hoseok panted with his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath. Slowly opening his eyes to see Yoongi's deshovled hair sticking our in random ways. Hoseok was left smiling back ridiculously letting out a few giggles that had Yoongi's heart beating erratically.

Yoongi moved his head so that their foreheads were toughing.

"I really like you."

"I really like you too." Hoseok continued to giggle cutely.

Can't wait till the day we get married.

They both repeated the same phrase in their heads but were much too reluctant  to say anything out loud.

"We should go back."

"No wait. Lets stay like this a bit longer." Yoongi had another problem and it was going to be hard to hide.

---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---   ---  
How have you been? Good? Bad?if so why? I'm sure you're day will get better.

New Year's With You (Yoonseok)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें