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The sound of two young men was heard from the elevator. The scene of two men not terrified in anyway about being stuck between floors and left without help in such a small place for an hour. It was a completely different reaction that they hadn't seen before.

Yoongi and Hoseok had been neighbors for a while. Neither really spoke to the other only the occasional good morning or good night. Their schedules were different and they rarely saw each other.

Yoongi worked as a DJ in a night club. They called him Suga and crowd would always go wild at his DJing. He had many fans, there was even a club for it.

Hoseok worked as an instructer in a dance academy. He didn't teach for very long only a couple of classes that were two hours long each. He had a part time job as a barista in a cafe not so far away. He needed the money and worked hard to get it. He even thought of getting another one while he was at it.

He could handle it even if he was very exhausted it was better than staying up almost all night due to his night mares.

It was already 9 pm and Yoongi had to be at work soon. He quickly changed and headed to the door making sure he had everything. He put his shoes on and walked out of the door making sure to lock it too.

He made his way to the elevator and pressed the down button. He waited in silence and felt his phone buzz from the inside of his right pocket. He went to take it out when the elevator dinged. He walked inside and pressed the down button then unlocked his phone.

"Can you hold the doors for me!" Yoongi heard a man yell and he glanced up making contact with an orange haired boy. He wanted to ignore him and just let the elevator doors close but it was too late. They already made eye contact and that would only make him look a dick.

He clicked the button to open the doors and put his foot in front of them while the younger jogged and got into the elevator.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Yoongi went back to look at his phone.

Seokjin Hyung:
Becareful today. Your horoscope says that you're gonna end up in possible danger but will find yourself stuck with your lover.

Yoongi let out a dry chuckle as he read the elder's message. Seokjin always believed in these sort of things but Yoongi didn't. Most of the time nothing went as the horoscope said and if it did it was just a mere coincidence.

Hoseok had also received a message and had his phone out in his hand to check it.

Seokjinnie Hyung:
Ohhhhh. Hoseok today's your lucky day. You could meet the love of your life! 
If you meet someone tell me right away!

Hoseok had also chuckled and put his phone in his pocket and looked over to his side to notice that his neighbor had put his phone away.

They were left in silence. It would take less than a minute before they arrived to the lobby since they were on the 23rd floor.

Suddenly the elevator stopped catching them off balance.

Then the lights went off.

Hoseok left out a squeal and started to panic. Yoongi was startled and turned in the direction that the other was in.

"Are you okay? Why did you scream?" Yoongi asked worried for the other. It was dark but he could still see the others silhouette. An idea popped into his head and he took out his phone turning the flash light on.

Hoseok was sitting in the corner with his knees bent and his head inbetwenn them. His hands were in his hair and he could see him shacking. Yoongi went up to the other and crouched next to him.

New Year's With You (Yoonseok)Where stories live. Discover now