Chapter 5

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I sat on the couch with Victoria watching icarly. I sat on the small couch upside down. Mike walked into the room and called out to his sons " Shane, Devin time to go!". Both boys came walking into the iving room. I looked up to look at them " bye!" i called out, they both turned around, Shane smiled at me while Devin flashed me the finger. I gasped and looked back at the tv.


I was in my room packing my stuff getting ready to move tomorrow."Ugh!!" I yelled throwing my clothes out of the closet on the bed some falling to the floor while i do "WHY!" i yelled again. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled sitting on my bed, i looked up to the door as it opened to see Marvin " Hey" he said coming to sit beside me "Hey" i said back.

He looked at me and the boxes "Where are you going?", I looked at him and started playing with my hands

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