Now to the Reception...Finally!

Start from the beginning

     Duncan places a hand in Mitch's shoulder.  "It's okay, man.  Just do whatever you think is right.  Don't lose a good one if you have one.  Learn from my mistakes."

     "Thanks D, I'll try.  Go back to having fun, don't let me get you down!" Mitch chuckles as he walks away, only to be replaced by another congratulator. 

"Hey, Duncan." Heather says, sashaying up to Duncan.  He turns around to face her.

"What's up?" he replies. He's still smiling considering it's his big day and the food was delicious. 

"I just wanted to say congratulations. I'm glad you two made it. I've been rooting for you two since the beginning way back on Wawanakwa Island," Heather answers with a small genuine smile.

"Thanks Heather, that means a lot."

"No problem. You deserved so much more than that weird goth girl." Heather laughs.

"I can agree that we were incompatible, Courtney is better for me, and that I actually love Courtney as opposed to Gwen," responded Duncan with a light awkward chuckle.

"Oh come on, we're friends just admit it," Heather pressured playfully.

"Yes, Heather, I did better than Gwen, a lot better. If not, I wouldn't have just married Courtney," Duncan answered with a hearty laugh this time. "AKA the love of my life."

"That's what I thought." Heather laughed, lightly punching him on the shoulder. Then, something really unexpected happened. Heather brings Duncan into a hug and pats his back. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Duncan says, hugging back. It's short and sweet. "And, I'm really happy you and Alejandro made it as well.  You two are the perfect match."

"Why thank you and you're welcome!" Heather replies.  They both laugh.  After it dies down, they share a smile. "Well, I'm going to go talk to some other people!" Heather then walks off to Alejandro who puts his arm around her. 

Duncan shook his head with a laugh. Those two are so made for each other. Luckily I didn't let Alejandro's proposal slip out... He then walks towards his bride and wraps his arms around her waist from behind. Courtney's busy talking to Geoff and Bridgette.

     Courtney looks behind her at her groom.  "Hi, babe."  The smile at her lips lights up the entire room.

"Hey man, congrats!" Geoff says, giving Duncan a hearty pat on the shoulder.

"Yeah, congrats!" Bridgette adds, slipping under Geoff's arm.

"Thanks guys," laughs Duncan.  He then focuses on his beautiful bride and plants small kisses on her neck. Courtney giggles.

"It's almost time to wrap things up," she says. Duncan squeezes her tighter before letting her go. Courtney laughs again, relishing in the way his touch feels. "Let's go get ready." The newly wedded couple head back to their table to get everyone's attention.

     Courtney clinks her fork against a glass. Everyone quiets down and turns to look at her.  "First off, I'd like to thank everyone for supporting us and being here today," she announced before pausing while guests "aww"ed and cheered.  "And second, I'd like all my unmarried ladies to join me outside for a chance to catch the bouquet to see who's next!" Courtney exclaimed excitedly and this time everyone cheered even louder.  A couple guys grabbed their phones or cameras and followed the bride outside with the herd of unmarried girls. Heather looked annoyed and disinterested as she was the only one in the friend group that wasn't married. The other ten or so girls were dates or people she didn't even know, except for Mitch's girlfriend. She knew her.

"Who's ready to catch the bouquet?" Courtney asked excitedly. Everyone cheered. Duncan and Geoff both continuously nudged Alejandro who rolled his eyes and nervously played with the small velvet box in his pocket. Courtney turned around, her back towards the girls, and smiled at Duncan who began to count off.

"Three...! Two........! One!!!" Duncan yelled. Hearing the last number, Courtney threw her bouquet up into the air and behind her. After throwing it, she quickly turned around to see the chaos of girls trying to see where the bouquet would land. Then, the bouquet started to lose its elevation and fell right into Heather's hand. Heather had been standing with her left arm hugging her torso and her right elbow resting on it. Her right hand was palm up. Heather stood in the back of all the girls with a look of confusion and shock on her face. Heather hadn't even tried to catch the damn thing! It literally fell right into her palm. She looked down at the flowers and then back up to Courtney.

Courtney couldn't believe her eyes, but she was filled with glee. Her best friend would get married next! The best part was that she knew that her friend was going to get married soon.  "Heather! You're gonna be next!" She squealed, clapping her hands. Everyone else joined in and clapped for Heather.  Alejandro exchanged glances with Duncan, Geoff, and Courtney.  They all nodded.  As Heather made her way towards Courtney to hand her back the bouquet, the trio shoved Alejandro in front of them who cleared his throat. 

     "What's going on?" Heather asked, looking at everyone's anxious expressions.  She still held the bouquet in her right hand.  Heather looked back at Alejandro who was now directly in front of her.  Alejandro took her left one and bent down on one knee. 

     "Well, this is as perfect a time as any..." he started as his free hand fumbled in his pocket.  When it emerged with the velvet box, Heather gasped, but she couldn't speak.  "Heather, mi amor, we've known each other for a very long time and for the entirety of that time, we've been together and I couldn't possibly want it any other way.  You've stuck around this long and I love you so very much, so I want to make it official." Alejandro opened the box to reveal the gorgeous jeweled ring he'd saved for for so long. "Will you, Heather Luann Conway, make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me?"  Everyone fangirlishly shrieked in excitement and anticipation of Heather's response.  They had all awaited this moment.  It sure took awhile for Alejandro to pop the question. 

     Heather's cheeks were red and her grey blue eyes glistened with tears before she let out a lighthearted laugh.  "Yes!  Yes, of course I will," she answered causing an eruption of applause.  Alejandro slid the ring on her finger and put the box back in his pocket before picking her up and spinning around.  Heather was beaming, but didn't love all the attention, not to mention she was in wedding clothes and had the bride's flowers.  She pounded on Alejandro's shoulder.  "This is a super expensive dress and I still have Courtney's flowers, babe!"

     Alejandro put her down with a chuckle and Heather straightened herself out before handing Courtney the bouquet.  "Thanks," she said before hugging Heather.  "Congratulations, girl!" Heather rolled her eyes and Courtney laughed.  What a wonderful ending to such an amazing day filled with joy?

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