Chapter 6

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I was back home sitting in my living room waiting for Susan to get home.

I lost my job, like I thought I was, so now I spent my days reading the newspaper, trying ever so hard to find a job.

This morning though was different then all the rest of the days. This day I woke up, and threw up immediately after I lifted myself of the bed.

"Are you alright Mel?" Susan came into the bathroom and held my hair.

"I don't know. You have to go to work though. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

She cocked her eyebrow at me.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine Susan."

She helped me out of the bathroom and quickly ran out, for she was late for work.

Later in the day, I was laying down in bed, and thinking about why I could be throwing up. And then it hit me. Like a huge boulder, it just hit me. I knew after that that my life would be different. Very different.

"Susan?" I asked the same afternoon.

"Yes Amelia?"

She turned her head to me.

"Would you mind taking me to the doctors?"

She nodded and quickly picked up her keys.

"Ah yes Ms. Witherell. So what brings you here today?"

"I was sick the whole day, and had fatigue and cramps the whole day. I was wondering what you thought it might be."

He smiled while he wrote all these symptoms down. I saw him write other things down, and then he looked up from his large clipboard.

"Ms. Witherell, this sounds like something particular. Not like a flu or anything."

This is what I was afraid of.

"Ms. Witherell you are..."

I couldn't believe what had happened. I thought about it the whole day. As I was driving home all I could think about was what I heard. Was it true? Was he just "guessing" or was this the actual truth.

Susan arrived home to find me on the couch balling my eyes out.

"Amelia, what's a matter?" She dropped the groceries in her hand and ran over to me.

"This can't be happening Susan." I sighed in-between sobs.

"What happened?"

I shoved a paper in her face and immediately her whole face turned from concern to sympathy.

"Oh Amelia!"

She hugged me very tightly as I sat and cried on her shoulder.

"Maybe it's not true!" She exclaimed quickly.

I was pacing back and forth.

"Why wouldn't it be though?"

Susan's head fell down and she began to think again.

I started to bite at my cuticles, just out of all the emotions I was feeling

"You should call him."

"I will."

I picked up the phone and called Paul.

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