M: Well... that makes two of us.

(Alex feigns indignation and turns her chin high in the opposite direction, pompously dragging their groceries behind her. Maggie pays and follows her, unable to suppress her amusement.)

A: All jokes aside, the buggy and I come as a package deal. This thing got me through college; you drag three weeks' worth of laundry down the block in the dead of winter, and you'll grow to love it.

M: Fine, I will say enjoying the weather with you beats trying to find parking.

A: That's the spirit, it's a blessing in disguise.

M: Yes, an unsightly disguise.

(Maggie smiles smugly and looks up at Alex, kissing her cheek softly and wiggling her arm into the crook of Alex's free elbow. Alex leans into her and allows the buggy's clanking to serenade them as they walk. They return to the apartment and sort the groceries, chatting while they wash the fresh produce. When they've finished food prep, Alex sets the oven to preheat and grabs some boxes from the closet.)

M: What have we here? A secret look into the life of young Alexandra Danvers...

A: It's mostly old photos, clothes, junk... maybe a few journals if you're lucky. I've been toting this stuff around since my parents' garage flooded a few years ago, I still haven't gone through it.

(They kneel on the living room floor and open the first box. Maggie picks a photo album and skims through it, finding mostly pictures of awards Alex had won or clubs she'd led. She starts to flip it shut until one image catches her eye.)

M: Is this what I think it is? Did you have –

A: An emo phase, yes, I did. I was 15, my sister was an alien... need I say more?

(Maggie chuckles and continues to sift through the boxes. Too many trophies to count, old jerseys, a box of her baby teeth... the case file of Alex's youth, spread throughout the living room.)

M: Alex, look at this, you were such a cute baby! Your eyes are so big and beautiful, and your chubby little legs...

A: Oh my god, I was completely bald until I was 6 months old. Hey, here's one of me in my dad's study - I used to climb on his lap while he worked, pull his hair... I drove him nuts.

(Alex trails off and chuckles softly, lost in a memory. Maggie looks up at her and gently rubs her arm; she knows how much Alex misses her father, and understands how much pressure is on her as the only one interested in sealing the rift between him and the rest of her family. Maggie deeply admires her strength and her devotion to a man who's caused her so much pain - intentionally or not - and Maggie's simple gesture makes Alex feel safe. She sighs and gratefully presses her lips against Maggie's cheek.)

M: We can look through a different box, if you want.

A: No, I'm okay, we're almost done with this one anyway. Thank you, though, really.

(Alex smiles at her and sorts the remaining items in the box into piles: keep, toss, or donate. Maggie kisses the top of her head and rises to grab a banana from the kitchen. They sort through the rest of the boxes and step back to admire their work. They decide to drop the pile for donation off down the street after dinner.)


A: Maggie, this is delicious. I was skeptical about the whole 'vegan' thing, but this is really, really good.

M: I wasn't gonna say I told you so, but I've decided today is not the day I will be the bigger person, and I absolutely told you so.

(Maggie waves her fork at Alex and smirks knowingly before dismounting her high horse. They had made rice and beans with sautéed vegetables, all covered in a mixture of lemon juice, cilantro, and a bit of honey; and it was divine. For dessert, Maggie had finally coerced Alex into trying vegan ice cream, but she threw some milk chocolate chips into her own bowl while Maggie wasn't looking. She'd had enough open-mindedness for one day.)

A: This was a good day. I've had a really good day.

M: Aw. Me too, I like spending my days off with you. Waking up and going to sleep next to you makes any day a good one.

(Alex walks slowly toward her and slides her arms around Maggie's waist, slipping one hand into her back pocket and pulling her in for a kiss. Maggie grips Alex's elbow and lifts her other hand to caress Alex's neck, bringing them closer and deepening the kiss. Alex whispers against Maggie's lips.)

A: You could do that every day.

M: What?

A: Fall asleep in my bed. It could... it could be our bed.

(Maggie pulls away and holds Alex at arm's length. She'd always been the one initiating big steps in past relationships, and got used to being turned down; she was taken aback by Alex's suggestion.)

M: Really? Are you saying you want –

A: To live together. You could move in here, your lease is up soon, right? I mean, you already have a toothbrush here, and a key, we just cleaned out the closet, so there would be room, unless you don't want to –

(Maggie cuts her off with a kiss.)

M: I would love to.

A: You're sure? I don't want to rush you or make you uncomfortable, if you need time to think about it...

M: Alex, I would love to.

(Alex, relieved, exhales and beams at her. Emboldened by her grand gesture, she holds Maggie's face in both hands and kisses her, a lot like the first time she'd done so at the bar. Alex had never been the leader in romantic relationships – largely on account of the suppressed homosexuality – but Maggie made her feel powerful, and had changed her irreversibly for the better. She goes about her day with a newfound confidence, a sense of self she carries with her in everything she does that comes only with living an authentic version of her life. She is who she wants to be, and wouldn't have seen that without Maggie's influence.)

A: I love you.

M: I love you too, so much.

(Maggie sweeps Alex into a tight hug and they stay there for a few moments, Maggie dragging her thumb against Alex's back. Alex pulls away and kisses Maggie's forehead, her slight advantage in height making this comfortably possible, and starts to fold the clothes for Goodwill.)

M: I can walk them over, you stay here and eat your ice cream before it melts. Nice try with those chocolate chips, too – I'll let it slide this time because you're letting me move in, and I'm pretty messy.

(Maggie smirks and leaves with the buggy full of clothes, while Alex adamantly denies her chocolate addiction. Maggie becomes lost in thought, the rhythmic rattle of the buggy a soundtrack to her inner monologue.)


Maggie had always kept a part of herself locked away. Sometimes out of necessity, ignoring her feelings for girls in exchange for a house and her parents' acceptance. Sometimes out of fear, protecting her vulnerability so that when people leave her – in her experience, they all do – she can say that at least they didn't know her, they weren't repulsed by the parts of her that she hates too. Sometimes out of convenience, because life is just easier when you don't get attached; death is a fact and we can only delay the end of things we love, so why love in the first place?

For the first time in her life Maggie surrendered the keys that hid the darkest parts of her, and Alex readily accepted them. She loved them, not in spite of, nor ignoring their darkness – but understanding it.

Alex embraced the good, bad, and ugly; and could see the good within the bad and ugly.

Maggie understood the bright red bundle-buggy.

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