Michy Da Potato and Rich-doody the unicorn and Emu banks

Start from the beginning

"Hey. S'up." Kimchi said languidly while smirking and doing a weird laugh thing. Gold chains adorned the kimchi's skinny white pale neck and wrists. It helped that kimchi resembled a more wrinkly and spicy version of Putin. Michy swooned.

Michy jumped into the car with Kimchi, leaving the bearded guy that looked like a communist farmer that runs a gardening club in a middle school and is on the run from the government but likes to recite Friar Lawrence's soliloquy about flowers from Romeo and Juliet because it reminds him of green herbal substances alone by the side of the road. Kimchi magically knows that Michy wants to meet up with Rich-Doody the unicorn. So Kimchi takes Michy to the amusement park that Rich-doody co-owns.

Michy flaunts out of the car like a flamingo-peacock hybrid and proceeds to scream at the top of her lungs, "RICH-DOODY! I LOVE YOU! LET ME KI-"

Before the poor old potato hag could finish her sentence, a guillotine jumped out of nowhere and yelled, "VIVA LA VIDA! I was victorious with killing King Louis! Now I shall behead you as well, you blithering American idiot!"

"WHAT?" Michy exclaimed. "I'm not even American, you bumbling ragtag, bloody tumtum wanker tosser slaging cheese eating surrender monkey bimbos! Bloody uphill gardener twit twat ass hell! Double bloody hell! Bloody hell of bloodyness! I'm not a bloody American! Ne ho ninny! I'm a Scottish turned Chinese! See!" Michy proceeded to narrow eyes and drink straight from a bottle of soy sauce.

"Enjoy your green jealousy for the last thirty seconds of your life while the love of your life Rich-Doody flies to Mars on this wondrous day. I enjoy watching your misery business, it seems like you have hit your all time low! Your future heart will not be able to stand for this romance monstrosity and will chemically dissolve. Wait, why is there a disco ball covered by a veil over there? Whatever. Anyways, you now have twenty-one more seconds to live. Don't panic! No, not yet, you must not forget that Rich-Doody is having a casual affair with a hesitant alien right now. Nuuu, the disco ball just fell onto the boy over there while an arrow that was shot randomly from a nearby toothpick pierced the veil covering the disco ball. Don't fall asleep on me now like a blurred siren as the used fedoras are asking Alexandria right now in Linkin Park if it is possible for me to take back Sunday as an off day. And also, if you're not American, I guess you'd be an All-American Reject! [what am I doing with my life. I am cringing so hard right now. I just can't.] Oh, wait, I've been talking for a sum of 41 seconds. Don't worry though, I've got a brand new simple plan involving a red jumpsuit and a musical bed where you shall die! This is some cold, hardcore playing right here on this boulevard of broken dreams where we listen to the revolution radio. My my, the moon is out right now, signaling for demons to kill tonight and a golden light to come as bright as Sarah's smile when the day meets the night. There are some sins going on, but no one wants to hear you sing about tragedies! Now may you rest in peace and march in the black parade with mcr in the heavens/hells." The guillotine suddenly screamed in one breath (I bet you can't do that. Ha. A guillotine is better than you). [I don't even know. Emo bands. yay].

"Wat" Michy the potato squeaked.

"Wat" said the pierced veil that is now being worn by a handsome bride fanning itself with a fan..

"Wat" said the dying disco ball, which was losing some of it's shininess and sparkly purple glitter.

"Wat" said the toothpick.

"Wat" said Andy Biersack, who somehow magically appeared here by an almighty all-seeing unknown force but will soon be taken away by this majestic almighty anonymous force since he is of no importance at all to the non-existent plot of this composition.

"Huh" said a squirrel and her little babes that were munching away at maize in a maze.

"Wat" you say as you try to comprehend what you are doing reading this right now and how you lost more than just a couple brain cells in the last few seconds of your life.

"Wat" says Kimchi, who I shall now name Joseph, says as he attempts to scratch his forehead but can't since he doesn't have arms.

"Wat" I say as an author since I just read some really disturbing fanfiction and a rap about cheese.

"Wat" screams Rich-Doody in his sexy puberty voice as he flails his arms wildly and falls to the ground.

"POOOOP!" cried Miley Cyrus as she accidently dies from crashing into a building naked with a wreckingball of fucking doom.

Then a huge fight goes on over Michy the potato because why not include some cliches in here.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO, I love her", Frerard the guillotine yelled.

"NOO, My love, I shall save you because I shall forever love you unconditionally!" Rich-Doody sniffled.

Rich-Doody drew his sword with a loud -xing- and Frerard the guillotine pulled out a gun cuz why not. Rich-Doody's lavender colored eyes that contain just a hint of lavender and the prospect of throwing away a thousand dollars glimmered and shined with ferocious anger in the suddenly bright moonlight [cuz why not, more cliches]. Frerard the guillotine got into his battle stance of battle stancey-ness, raising his gun before him with his invisible arms. [Intense countdown begins...]

Narrator [in a deep, overly-dramatic, soap opera, korean/chinese drama kind of way]: Ahem....Three....................................................................................................................two......................one..................

"rOAAaAAaaAARrr, DON't!" *gasping and out of breath*"I love you, Michy the Potato. There is no one I would ever spend the rest of my crappy life with.. Please... I know that I'm a wereworlf/ vampire/ badboy/ dog/ whatever/why you reading this/ it all just went to hell/I'm so sorry for putting you through this but not really/ vampire/ siren/ mermaid/ [insert supernatural creature here], but just give me chance to love u!"

Michy the Potato gasped and said, "OF COURSE <3. I LOVE U JOSEPH KIMCHI!"

3 months later...

Michy has 7,194 and one half potato babies.

One of her potat babes had sex with Brendon Urine's wife so then Brendon Urine had sex with Pat rick Suck and sucked him and then Peter got super angry and went boom just like other explosive things that go boom like dat potats explosive organism that killed it then Brendon Uri went with Ariana Large and fucked up the starbucks ceo cuz STARBUCKS STARBUCKS STARBUCKS STARBUCKS IS A FREAKIN CURSE NOW. and den brendon urine went to the white house and burned down a fan which den made MERICA g8 agan like a nice cumming of jun in the summer which den kills a lamp and ryan is sad. Many ryan is sad but ryan ross is sad and then malaria trump accidently infects donald whose cheating on her with dora with the zombie turney infection and then donny dies and becomes a dino vampire zombie. Den murica grate.

Afterward that whole mess, Frerard got together and had a threesome with Peterick and Ryden.

Rich-Doody stole Joseph Kimchi's first love, which was Dan the Sun, and Kimchi's second love, a calculator, and Joseph's third love, a grain of rice, and had a foursome with them in order to get his revenge on Joseph Kimchi.

Everyone lived happily ever after in ever after.

The end.


See? Aren't you glad that you read this thing?

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