He walks closer to me, watching me as through I am his prey and he is the predator. "Dakota." His low voice rumbles and I squeak at his tone, a shiver running down my spine.

He reaches my body and harshly pulls me towards his body and I gasp as he touches my damp skin. I take a sharp intake of breath as he runs his nose over the nape of my neck, slowly inhaling my freshly washed skin. 

"Mmmm," He growls out again and my knees buckle from underneath me.

"Logan." I whisper and squirm in his  arms, uncomfortable with the feeling running through my body.

My towel slips slightly from my grasp and I feel Logan stiffen slightly. He looks down to my now slightly exposed chest and he groans. I harshly pull  myself away from him and run into the room. I hear him curse silently as my heart races a million miles per beat.

I run into the closet and quickly grab the first things in my sight- which happen to be a pair of loose flannel shorts and my brother's high school hoodie. I throw the clothes on and pull my soaking wet hair from underneath the hoodie, cringing from the feeling. 

I hesitantly peek over the door of the closet into the room, and shrink back as I spot Logan sitting on the bed, staring at me with emotionless eyes. I squeak lightly and am tempted to move back into the closet, but my stuborness stops me from shying away from him. 

I reluctantly walk out of the closet, towards the bed where Logan is.

"We need to talk." He informs me and I nod at him. I gingerly take a seat as far away as possible from where he is, on the other side of the bed. I watch as hurt engulfs his eyes but I ignore it.

Try having your mate cheat on you and then talk to me about hurt, Logan.

"Talk." My cold voice resonates through the room and I almost flinch at how mean I am to my mate. 

"Please forgive me." He blurts out and his eyes widen as he realizes what he just said. I almost laugh at his face but then I remember what the situation in front of us it. I don't say anything but I chew on my bottom lip silently.

"Just-just listen to me. Please." I nod at him, enticing him to continue speaking. He takes a deep breath and the eye contact that we share almost knocks the wind out of my lungs. " I know that I fucked up. I royally messed up, what I did was unforgivable. But I'm selfish, Dakota.

I'm selfish and I'm selfish for you. I can't stop thinking about you. You control my every thought and all I can think about is how much of an amazing person you are and that I was granted the pleasure of being your mate, yet I still messed up. 

Allison is not worth any of this and if I could go back in time, I would without a doubt had never have met Allison if it could mean that I could be with you today." I gasp at his words, unsure of how to respond. 

Of course I want to be with him, he's my mate. But he's hurt me beyond imaginable. What he's saying about Allison is twisting my thoughts slightly. Him and Allison went through so much together. He's lost so much in the past and she was there for him. If he would sacrifice that...

"Do you really mean that?" I ask him, in a meeble voice. He moves closer to me.

"Yes, yes every single word. I would throw the girl to the rogues if I could have you, Dakota. My love, you are my mate. You are my perfect little mate. My kitten, and I hurt. I hurt you so much and I will never forgive myself but I need you. I need you to not hate me.

Please, please forgive me. Please let me have another shot at this. I do not deserve it, not a single bit but I can't help but ask for it. One more chance is all I ask for." He closes his eyes and I watch as a tear falls from eyes, trailing down his cheek. I gasp loudly, my heart breaking for the man in front of me.

My wolf claws inside my head, upset that her mate is in pain. I agree with her. This is painful for me to watch and I contemplate the situation in front of me.

Logan's eyes probe mine, trying to search for any bit of redemption. I watch as more tears fall from his desperate eyes. I breathe shallow breaths, overwhelmed by the feelings consuming my body. 

I look at him in the eyes, clutching my arms around my body, supporting myself with a bit of strength, "One more chance." 

Logan's face fills with happiness and joy as he internalizes my words. I watch in amusement as he literally shouts in joy, raising his fist as an act of victory.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, my love. I will not fuck up this time, I promise to you with my life." He bows his head as an act of respect and I quickly gasp. 

I move to him and harshly lift his head up. An Alpha bowing his head is an act that should never be seen. It is an extreme act of weakness that one should never expect out of an Alpha, unless the Moon Goddess herself shall be in their presence. 

Shock floods through my eyes. "Never do that. Please, Logan, do not bow at me. You are still an Alpha. I never want to see you do that ever again." I firmly tell him and he nods at me, shock evident in his eyes.

"God, how did I manage to get you as my mate?" He whispers in adoration and my mouth falls slightly agape. He moves closer to me and pulls me into his warm embrace. I place my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around my waist. pulling my tightly against him.

Warm floods my body and shocks envelop my being. 

I pray I'm making the right decision.



exams start tomorrow and im super excited woo yay!! jk, i wanna crawl into a hole and cry all day...anyway

i hope you all liked this chap, if you did please give it a vote and comment!!

I wanna get to know you guys some more, so please pm me or comment, I love talking to you guys!!


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