she was nervous and her mother then smiled " off you go i will close up myself" said Enid

Marlene could see all the other girls in the village was jealous of her but she did not care they done all the dances like the kings Wallace and they made up there own way as they couldn't do what everyone else was doing Marlene was having such a wonderful time and laughing so much at Jason, she could see that other people around they were not amuse but its was a time for having fun now she seen Jason point that he cant be childish as other people would judge him

" thank you Mal" he said

then he kissed her on the cheek and took her hand Marlene know why Jason thank her and she smiled and went to help her mother, there was a piece of paper in her hand she opened it a letter from Jason saying he wanted to meet her Christmas morning . the next morning Marlene lay in her small bed looking out the big window of the attic bedroom looking smiling still Holden the note from Jason, it was still dark outside and Marlene then got up before her mother was wake and left the manor she run to the park to meet Jason when she got to the park he was already there

" i got you something" said Marlene

"a sledge where did you get it"? ask Jason

" it used to be my dads we had so much fun and want you to be a teenage for once "said Marlene"

"thank you Mal "he said

" race you to the top of the hill Mal"!! he shouted

then they played on the sledge having so much fun in didn't bother them how cold it was. after they finished with the going down the hill Jason ran over to a big part of snow that nobody had even walked over and started making snow angels on the ground, Marlene lay next to him and watch the beautiful red morning sky its a" nice morning, doesn't feel like Christmas" said Marlene,

" i miss my mother at this time and my step mother takes over all the family" said Jason

" its a shame we cant just spend Christmas with each other" said Marlene

. its best we head home now.

"race you out the park" said Jason

then he and Marlene ran down the hill and when they got out of the park they had a snow ball fight, as they walked along the street of golden green village. Jason smiled and walked away from her Marlene was happy and went into her manor as she entered her manor. her mother was standing at the door of their kitchen

" where have you been" asked Enid

" i went a walk around the street" said Marlene

well up stairs before you get a bad cold"said Enid

Marlene then done what she was told and went and change, as she came back down the stair to help her mother with there Christmas dinner, Enid had no customers that day so she could spend time with her daughter, they had there big turkey time and after dinner they were stuff and went into the living room and light a candle for Mr Harris and listen to the carol singers outside

" i got you something" said Enid

as she handed Marlene a small box, Marlene opened the box and inside was a necklace with a cat and a moon she put it on and thanked her mother and then they had a minute silence for Mr Harris. Marlene had a early night and went to bed. the next morning she couldn't get up as she had a cold, her mother came in to her attic bedroom with a bowl of soup and told her to eat up, Enid got her more covers to keep her warm. as her mother left the room Marlene came out her bed and walked over to the big window in her room. she could see Jason in his bedroom and he looked ill like she was. He looked over and smiled at her. until his mean step mother came in closed the curtains, then Marlene went back to bed and went to sleep.

The Ghost of Molly Evans and the Truth of the Harris ManorWhere stories live. Discover now