"Just walk."

They were moving quickly and Brian could see Nayeon standing at a distance. He started moving slowly the closer they got.

"Jae. Don't tell me- you have got to be kidding me ...are we going there?"



The older one pushed him forward saying "just trust me."

Nayeon's ankle was now apparently fine as she was standing on her own. She walked up to Brian.


Brian ignored her and turned to Jae who was a couple of steps from him. "Hyung I told you, didn't I? I told you not to put me in a spot like this."

He looked over Jae's head and noticed that Jeongyeon was walking towards them. She looked at him like what's going on, but he just shook his head.

"Oppa." Nayeon called him again. "Just a second."

Brian looked down to avoid Jeongyeon's stare. He could hear her asking Jae why he called her over and what was going on and Jae replying "just watch."

Then Jeongyeon saying "if it's what I think it is then you took it too far."

Nayeon cleared her throat. "I like you."

Everyone froze and stared at Brian waiting for his reply.

Even Jae wasn't expecting Nayeon to say that. He simply wanted to push Brian to extent that he comes clean with who he has feelings for.

Brian looked up at Jeongyeon then back at Nayeon then at Jae. His eyes went back to Jeongyeon and he looked sorry. He sighed, shook his head and walked away brushing the edge of Jae's shoulders.

"Brian. Wait-" Jae followed him. They got into their tent and Brian had his hand on his head. He looked at Jae and bit on his lower lip out of anger.

"Brian I'm sorry I didn't know-"

"You didn't know what?? I told you. I kept telling you not to do anything stupid. I told you I didn't like her. I told you I didn't need your help."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."


"I didn't. She said she wanted to talk to you and I thought I'd help you. So I called all four of us to-"


"Brian you're yelling."

"Is that important right now?"

"No I didn't mean-"

"Just leave me alone." He attempted to leave but Jae grabbed his arm. He forcefully freed himself causing Jae to stumble and fall, and without looking back he stormed out of the tent.

The next day was Saturday.

Brian had slept in JYP's tent since there was room for him, he just used the excuse of wanting to spend time with the CEO.

He woke up early and went back to his own tent to see Jae still sleeping so he quietly walked over to pick up his bag. Jae's head was on it. He pushed Jae slightly and noticed stains of blood on the pillow beside him. He froze, with fear written all over his face.

Jae's eyes flickered open to see Brian's face staring right at his. "Broooo that's just creepy" he whined as he sat up, "where did you sleep? Huh? Why do you keep staring? Oh I guess you're still mad. Brian I'm so sorry about yesterday. I honestly wasn't-"

"Hyung." Brian touched his own ear as a way of telling Jae to do the same.

When he did, he looked at the blood on his fingers, then he looked back at Brian who was now holding back from panicking.

"Brian before you say anything. It happens sometimes, it's nothing serious. I am fine."

"I don't think you are. Get up and get dressed you're going to the hospital. Now!" He ran out of the tent to find JYP. He spotted him sitting out on a beach chair.

"Hyungnim, I know what I want now. Remember? I won. You said the winner can do whatever."

"Oh right. What do you want?" The CEO responded sounding disturbed.

"Your car. Me and Jae wanna go to Seoul. We wanna meet up with friends."

"Not happening."

"Hyungnim please. We're always so busy with work that we can't hang out. Also if you don't agree everyone's gonna take you for a liar."

JYP looked up and Brian pouted. "Fine." He said giving his keys. "Not a single scratch."

"Thank you."


Thanks for reading <3

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