And just like that...

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Few of you guy wrote to me about ideas you guys have for an ending. This is the one of them, few of you had almost the same idea and I put it together into this. hope you guys will like it. And if anyone haves an idea on another kind of an ending you can write it below in the comments or send me a messege. ;)

"It's been a week since I came back home after the terrible accident, that the person I have been in love for last few months is dead and my love for them was just an illusion of my broken heart. Doctor as same as Noiz thinks that it's not good for me to stay in a surrounding that will only remind me of my unhappy love. So I moved to Noiz. It's small apartment but it's really warm and I feel like I belong there. I don't know why but Noiz has been giving me a lot of support, he cares for me, he makes sure I'm happy and safe and he keeps me warm at nights. Many people will think that I'm just using Noiz to forget about Ren. And they will be right. I am using him, but he knows about it. It was his choice to stay with me! I'm not forcing him to take care of me or anything! I'm fine! I'm just making an excuse aren't I?" I asked my therapist. She wrote something down before she looked at me worried.
"I don't won't to be that person but I think you should consider going away for a while." She said with a smile. I hated it. Everyone around me was smiling pretending everything is fine, but it's not! I'm sure that I'm not going crazy.
I'm sure of it...
I think.
"Me as many of your friends think it will be good for you to go on a long vacation. There is an amazing hotel few hours away from here. You will get a proper treatment for your brain...and things..." She said as she tried to avoid saying that I'm just crazy. I took a deep breath before getting up and head out. I heard her yell after me few times but I didn't want to listen. I'm not going to sit there and wait for them to shut me up in some kind of hospital for mentality sick.
I head to city park.
It's the only place that will make me calm down. I sat on old bench and looked up at the sky, well at least I tried. The trees covered almost whole sky, the same trees which once were a shade for me and Ren on hot summer days now were giving me a shelter from the world I hated now.
What happened to me?
What happened to this world.
Everything was fine before Noiz and all of them interfered into my life.
I just can't take it.
Why they are making decisions about my life?!
I took another deep breath before I got mad again. I closed my eyes trying to relax, when I finally was I called asleep. I didn't dream anything, I know I was just running away from my problems but I can't take it anymore...
I heard my name somewhere in the distance.
"Aoba!" It was him!
I opened my eyes and looked around, It was already getting dark and it was raining thanks to the trees I didn't get wet. I got up and looked around. I know I heard him.
"Ren!" I yelled after him hoping for a reply.
Again. This time I run the way where the voice was coming from.
Tears were dripping down my face ever time I heard him call me. His sweet, sweet voice...
I stopped at our city point view. It was a high mountain cliff from which you could see the whole city.
When I looked at it I understood what was I should do.
I walked towards the cliff, I stood on the barrier that was separating me and the cliff. I looked up at the sky and began to cry.
"If this what will make us together then I'm ready..." I took a deep breath while crying and put one leg on the other side.
I heard my name again but this time it wasn't Ren who was calling it was...
"Noiz!" I yelled seeing him coming out of the woods towards the cliff. When he saw me he froze, his blond hair were all wet same as his clothes and he seemed to be tired, he had to run around the park for a while.
"Noiz...get me off here...please!" I yelled to him as I couldn't move. I had two choices jump and be with Ren or go to Noiz and live with him. Noiz walked to me slowly.
"Aoba, I can't get too close to you. You need to come to me by yourself..." he said walking really slowly as he thought maybe if he moves too fast I will jump. I looked at the gray sky then back at him.
"I don't want to die but I can't live without him neither." I said between my crying. He looked at me and moved slowly closer and closer.
"Then don't die Aoba. I will be here to support you in every way. I'm sure Ren wouldn't want you to do this. He loved seeing you happy and smiling. I'm sure he wouldn't let you do this and so won't I." I didn't know when he grabbed my hand and helped me get down.
"You will always have him in your heart, no matter how much it may hurt or how hard it is you can't give up. Not that way at least..." He said hugging me, I cried into his arms as we stood there.

I can't tell what happened next but I know my life won't be easy. It will be hard and painful but no matter how sh*ty life will be I'm going to have Noiz next to me and Ren above to look after me always.

Aoba x Ren(yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now