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*The video has nothing to do with the chapter, I just really like the song and the youtuber... So yeah, enjoy!*

Viktor had caught me before I hit the ground, but a blush had flushed my face. My lunch was now all over the floor, people were staring at me, and someone other than JJ had their arms around me.

I gasp as my brain registers everything, I flail and he looses his grip sending me to the floor. People in the cafeteria laugh at me now covered in my lunch, Phichit and Viktor the only ones not laughing.

"Are you okay?" Viktor kneals beside me. He helps me to my knees, the blush on my face deepening to a dark red.

"I'm fine." I look at my clothes, fortunately my shirt is the only thing needing to be changed. I can just snag JJ's jacket then use my spare gym shirt to replace this one.

"Why did you panick? You would've been fine have fallen if hadn't." Viktor asks.

I ignore him and take Phichit's hand he held out to me. I feel someone staring and find that it's Viktor. "Thank you."

Viktor reaches into his back pocket and hands me five dollars. "For your lunch."

"No, I can't-"

"Take it!" Viktor cuts me off, he pushes the bill into my hand then smiles. "I'm Viktor Nikiforov, I just moved here from Russia with the exchange program."

"I'm Yuuri Katsuki, I moved here from Japan four years ago with the exchange program." I shake his hand before noticing JJ walking into the cafeteria. "Ah, I have to go... my boyfriend is here."

I quickly excuse myself after grabbing my backpack, JJ gives Viktor a dirty look then smiles at me but the smile turns into a frown.

"Yuuri, what happened to your shirt?" JJ takes off his jacket once I next to him, he helps me put it on even though I can dress myself. "Where's your lunch?"

I point to my shirt and then to the floor by Viktor. "Here and over there." I zip up the jacket and throw my arms around him. "I thought you had detention?"

"She let me go to lunch." He kisses my forehead. "Do you want to share some of my lunch?"

"But don't you need it?"

"I'm not very hungry, so I will share with you." JJ takes my hand hand in his pulling me past Viktor, who earned a glare, and Phichit.

"I'll see you in class Phichit." I say as I pass him. JJ intertwines our fingers bringing me closer to him. A look settles on his face, "JJ, are you jealous?"

He looks straight into my eyes and presses a kiss on my lips. "Yes I am. That new Russian had his arms around you when I ."

"Oh... you saw that huh?" I blush.

"You're so clumsy!" He smiles at me putting his arm around my shoulders. "You're also mine."

A smile unconsciously appears on my face as he buys his lunch. He's never been jealous of another guy hitting on me let alone even slightly touch until now. I hug into his side suddenly feeling an emotion towards him I have never felt.

I think I am actually growing feelings for him.

"Yuuri!" Phichit yells from down the hall. I turn a see him running down the hall holding a paper in his hand. I think it's a make-up test he took yesterday, but judging by the look of the sheet it has been passed around and stepped on.

He slows to a stop when he reaches me, his breathing rugged. "Look!"

I take the paper he held out to me. There is a party Friday night at ten. "Phichit.... This...."

"Please come with me Yuuri!" Phitchit begs, "I won't have any fun if you're not there!"

I sigh looking at the desperation in his eyes. "Fine... But JJ is coming too."

"If that is the price I have to pay to get you to go, then I don't care." He shrugs.

I quickly text JJ. There's a party Friday night, wanna go?

I can't, there's a hockey game Friday.

I frown at my phone. I forgot Hockey season started. I will be by myself, besides Phichit, totally vulnerable to everyone.

I'm sorry babe, I would go if I could. Just please promise me you won't do anything wreakless.

I promise. I put my phone back in my pocket. He knows I get crazy when I'm drunk, that's why I wanted him to go with me. I guess Phichit will have to be enough.

"Nevermind on JJ, he has a hockey game." I say sadly, "He is taking us home though."

"Taking you home!" Phichit shakes his head, "I told you Yuuri, I don't like him."

"Okay, sorry." I throw my heads up in surrender. "Just thought I'd offer."

He stops by our locker, "And I appreciate the offer but I want nothing to do with him."

I put my things in the locker, I have gym next and don't need anything except my phone. "I still don't see why you dislike him so much."

".... He's very self-absorbed and sexual, and he hits on anything with a pulse." Phichit looks me straight in the eyes, his serious look holding a seperate meaning but I can't tell what it is.

I put a hand on my hip, "Phichit, those are very stupid reasons to dislike someone."

"Well he's your boyfriend not mine, so I can dislike him all I want." Phichit closes the locker abruptly and crosses his arms over his chest. "You should pay more attention to him Yuuri, he is as slippery as soap."

And just like that, Phichit walks away leaving me with my mind racing like Nascar.

I push my glasses up taking in a deep breath. My eye catches a certain platinum hair male walking with the other two Russian students, Yuri Plisetsky and Otabek Altin.

Viktor's blue eyes lock on mine, a fire set in my stomach. A small smile lifts the corners of his mouth. I quickly look away and start toward the gymnasium.

Oh boy! I am in big trouble!

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