Chapter 8. I Need You.

Start from the beginning

Rowan scrunched her face up angrily as I winked and slid out the front door without giving her another glance.

"By the way, you have company outside!" She shouted but it was too late and I'd already noticed the funny looking nigga that sat leaning against my car. My entire demeanor changed as I watched one of my workers grab Amaru by his shirt while he smiled and puckered his lips teasing.

"What the fuck are you doing at my house? You realize these people want to kill you right?" I questioned slapping my worker on the back and he let go of him and stepped back.

"What's your point?" Amaru questioned bringing the blunt he was holding in one of his hands to his mouth as he puffed on it.

I noticed a few people I worked with looking at me funny and I cleared my throat wondering why he was putting me in a fucked up position now. I had too much shit to deal with without people thinking I was associating with his ass.

"Surely you all have corners to watch over and drugs to sell. No need to hang around my home like children waiting for orders when you know what needs to be done" I said in a stern tone.

The men gave us privacy as I turned my attention back to Amaru who blew smoke out of the corner of his mouth as his gaze remained fixated on me.

"Why are you here?" I questioned lowly as I stepped closer. Amaru offered the blunt he was holding to me and declined knowing he was a druggy and it was probably laced with some shit. Instead of holding onto the blunt he got rid of it like he had weed to spare.

"Maybe we should go for a drive" he suggested as he turned his back to me and headed for his car. I chuckled to myself and looked around before reluctantly following behind him.

As I climbed into his passenger seat I could see Camry watching me from one of the windows upstairs. She was still holding Sienna and appeared confused at my actions but quickly shut the blinds when she saw me watching her.

"If this is about Aaron than I'm cool on that. He's an adult and we're doing our own thing now, I just want him to really forgive me" I said staring at a few mangas that lay on the car floor and a few sprinkles of weed on top like someone was in a rush when they were rolling a blunt.

"This isn't about that. Your history isn't something I really give a fuck about, this is business" Amaru claimed as he backed out of my driveway pulling onto the street crazily before zooming off.

"What business could we have together. You clearly don't give a fuck about staying alive or you wouldn't of showed up here knowing that people are out for you" I shot back.

"You can't be a stickup kid and then turn around and be a scary nigga. Anyway, I was doing some thinking-" Amaru began before he paused and looked at himself in the rearview mirror before he smiled flashing his braces as he checked to see if he had food between his teeth.

"Nigga can you pay attention to the road? I know thinking might be hard for you but come the fuck on" I complained as Amaru looked back at the road and swerved the car to avoid hitting another car.

"My fault. As I was saying, I was doing some thinking after Ron and I went to see Deejay and I realized that you're fucked and the likelihood of you dying before me is actually really high. You practically embarrassed your organization and you'd have to be a fool to think your in law wouldn't snatch his shit back and leave you rotting in an abandoned house" Amaru explained.

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