Chapter 21 Is this a quest, really?

Start from the beginning

Or maybe I'm tired of staying in the city, maybe?

Vanoss let go of my shoulder, he smiled as his eyes lit up in amusement at my weary state. He taps my shoulder, gesturing to me where we should go. Regretfully, I follow him.

It has been some time since we did a quest together. A long time. It's strange to see just us without the other guys hanging there. Regardless, our banter didn't alter, and this motherfucker was still throwing things at me, calling me to look before he threw those damn rocks again.

We took a moment to rest by a creek, filling in the silence with mindless chatter along with teasing. It was strange how easy it was to forget all the craziness that just had happened. I can't let my guard down with this son of b!tch. Who knows what he's planning?

After our break, we journey deeper into the unknown forest attacking some creatures, grabbing their loots, and continue onward for the unknown quest. I'm just itching to finish it and be done with this damn leverage. I got some hunting to do myself.

And it's still Monday. God, I hate it.

A shadow veil the sun and us, my eyes squint trailing after the shadow, then something wet drops onto my shoulder. I freeze before realizing that warm, wet feeling spreading on my cloth armor my eyes trail to my shoulder to see a white spot-fucking bird on my face!

"God damn it!" I shout, clawing at the damn bird as it tries to claw my own face off. Teddy leans over my shoulder attacking the damn bird as Vanoss snickers on the sideline, not helping me at all. Bastard. Finally, I pull the bird off glaring at it before tossing it as far as possible away from me.

"I still see nature love you, eh." Vanoss laughs, amusement flickering among his eyes. He holds a healing flask, a peace offer, to me. "Should I be jealous?" I snatched it drinking the flash before Vanoss could take it away.

"Fuck you. Everyone wants a piece of Delirious." I sneer, resisted to gag at the bitter taste, and ignored the wet spot on my shoulder.

"You got that right." He laughs, in return, I flick him off.

I march ahead, ignoring him to pull another screeching bird off my face to see Vanoss snickering at me again. What the hell!

Bullsh!t. Damnit, Lui! You will pay.

We freeze at the sounds of grunting and buzzing. I pull the squatter bird off my face to glance at Vanoss as he warily watches shrubs shaking before a big yellow blur runs toward us. Vanoss and I jump apart to see a big yellow motherfucking car size creature turn around glaring at us. It stomps the ground, showing us its brown snout covered in sharp teeth, bees shroud it as thick yellow oozes from its hexagon combs and its bitty red eyes glare at us.

Teddy leans closer to my ear whispering, 'honey.' My eyes widen at the fact that thing has honey. Wait, if I got that Teddy would set for life. I need that sh!t.

"Delirious! Honey badger!" Vanoss yells, he holds his sword ready to parry as he eyes the badger, but the badger focuses its attention on me. "We need to kill it."

My eyes narrow, I raise my daggers toward the honey badger. In response, the badger snouts, clawing the ground with claws. It growls, its malicious focus on me before it rushes toward me. I dodge it before it hits me-Thousands of needles dug into my arms. Instantly, I flinch in pain holding the urge to scream and look down to see bees clinging and stinging my arms, I struggle to swap them off before the badger twirls around, its tails whack me on the back stumbling onto the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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