Celebration goes wrong

Start from the beginning

''Is it going to be akward for you tomorrow?'' Jaime asked me.

''Why should it be?'' I replied not understanding.

''Well..you won't be able to wear Joey's dress'' she replied. Here's the thing, when the guys had a game here in school, no matter was it basketball or football, or I don't know what else there was, they gave girls their team t-shirt to wear around school that day. And yeah, of course, they gave it to their girlfriends. It was a pretty cool thing actually, it was a way of showing support and school spirit.

''And why wouldn't I be?'' I answered Jaime.

''You can't actually act like you're together'' Bonnie replied.

''Look, Joey is still my boyfriend, and everyone knows he's also my best friend, I mean, who else would wore his dress if not me?'' I explained.

''That makes sense'' Jaime concluded.

''Come on, let's go change'' Lauren then announced, sure that was still ten minutes of class left, but we always left early, we needed time to get dressed up.

''Joe Joe'' I approached my boyfriend on the way out of the locker room.

''Hey'' he smiled happily to me. It was so hard to restrain myself from kissing him.

''So, we're still hanging out tonight right?'' I asked quietly.

''Of course, I'll come over as soon as I get home from practice.''

''Good. I'll hang with the girls after school, but I won't be long.''

''Then see you later princess'' he replied and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 'Friends' can do that.

After the day was over, we said goodbye to Joey and Tyler, and went to the usual bar. Me, Lauren, Bonnie, Jaime, Joe, Brian and Darren. Sometimes it goes through my head that maybe we're too young to go to a bar after school, and have drinks, but then I remind myself that you're only young once, and that we are not normal teenagers. Awful, I know, but that's who we are.

''So you're back to being Mrs Holden again?'' Darren teased me.

''Shut it'' I snapped back as we all laughed.

''So, is this really going to work? And what are you planning to do about Veronica anyway?'' Joe asked, being serious for a change.

''I don't know yet'' I replied taking a sip, ''for now I first need to convince everyone of this relationship, and then I'll deal with her.''

''That's not going to be a problem'' Brian said placing his hand around my shoulders.

''Yeah. Thanks again'' I said smiling at him.

''Stop! Stop!'' Darren interrupted, ''if you continued like this you're even gonna make us believe you're together.''

Everyone laughed at this, even me, although I don't know why. ''So what are we doing tomorrow if the guys win the game?'' I asked changing the subject.

''I guess the whole school's gonna go somewhere together in that case'' Bonnie replied.

''Yeah, but, isn't it our job to figure out where?'' Lauren asked.

''You're right'' Brian replied, ''we'll go to my house. I'll make something up for my parents.''

''Than it's settled. I'll post it on the page right away'' Bonnie said and took out her phone, to place the announcement on the web page.

''Now let's just hope they win'' Darren added smiling. We all loved parties, and we loved parties we had a reason for even more.

''Come on Mark!''

When we were young (a Starkid fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now