[5] .。*゚+.*.。 Family ゚+..。*゚+

Start from the beginning

"I've never been here at night before." Kuroo comments as he stares straight ahead, eyeing the view.

"Really?" Ahhh, you are supposed to open up. "I come here sometimes just to get away from everyone and be on my own."

"So, if you're ever gone I can find you here?"

"Most likely. Nothing mellows me out as much as the beach at night." You smile at him. "What do you think about it?"

"I think it's really beautiful. I wouldn't have thought to have come out here." Kuroo comments.

"No one does! Maybe it's because they're scared to be told to go home by the patrol but that's all they do. You don't get in real trouble. That doesn't happen too often anyway."

"If we get caught, that would be my first run in with the law." Kuroo jokes around, knowing a warning isn't that serious.

You laugh, "If you're going to be friends with me, you should get used to it."

"What? What do you do?"

"I like to have fun! That's all!" You defend yourself. "Sometimes my driving gets me in trouble or cops crash parties I go to. But, I've never been arrested! And I live by that."

Kuroo smiles, "Wow, i'm sure your parents love that."

You don't want to talk about it.


Why? It's not like it hurts to talk about it. You're supposed to open up so why can't you? Maybe you're afraid of the pity. This might be harder than you thought it was going to be.

Just change the subject.

"Do you believe in parallel universes?"


"I-I saw something on the internet the other day about it. I've been thinking about it since. It kind of perplexes me, you know?" You half lie, wanting secret insight about the letter.

"Do you believe in them?"

"Yes...do you?"

"I mean it's possible." Kuroo concludes. "If they are true, maybe in one of them your sister doesn't hate me."

"I'm sorry!" You frantically apologize. "For some reason you rubbed her the wrong way but that's alright! You're not hanging out with her, just me."

"I think it would be cool to hang out with the two of you, though. You're identical to each other yet you can't be anymore different. "

"Yeah, she is just that person that has a lot of hard layers." You release about her, so he knows it's nothing against him. "She is stubborn and picky with who she mingles with because of all we went through...but she is a good person. Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, I have an older sister. It's her, my dad, and me."

"Can I ask you a personal question? If you don't mind, you don't have to answer." Kuroo nods. "What about your mom?"

Your mom doesn't really come around, either.

"Well, my parents are divorced when I was younger so she moved across Japan to follow her dreams. She contacts us every once in a while. She visits once a year."

"I'm sorry, that's terrible. But at least you have your dad and sister! I don't know how I would have gotten on about my situation without my grandparents and sister."

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