Birthday art, a WIP, doodle, old art and a tag

Start from the beginning

It doesn't look too bad

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It doesn't look too bad... I think, for a first time. I was (trying to) referencing off this, and I stole the butterfly from it too.

I like how my first digital art is better than my next 10 attempts at digital art

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I like how my first digital art is better than my next 10 attempts at digital art.
Because then I deproved into this pile of poop because I decided I was so good at drawing, I needed no refs!!!

Because then I deproved into this pile of poop because I decided I was so good at drawing, I needed no refs!!!

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Also, I got tagged by eternally-cliche so here we go~~~!!

1. One thing you cannot leave the house without?

My gorgeous iPhone.

2. Favorite brand of makeup?

I don't have enough of a life to use makeup. The one time my mum tried teaching me, she commented that I looked like a confused clown and never brought it up again. I think that shows my skill at applying makeup well enough.

I'm amazing at it.

3. Favorite flower?


4. Favorite clothing store?

Where ever is cheap.

5. Favorite perfume?

I don't use them. Apparently, Asian people's sweat is very less likely to stink, and I don't sweat much anyway so muahahaha!! Fear me!

6. Heels or flats?

I prefer not to be a walking hazard to the people around me.


7. Do you get good grades?

Unexpectedly, yes.

(Except for maths, haHAhahAHHaHa~~)

8. Favorite colors?

White, pink, silver, gold, blue, and lots and lots of pastel colours.

9. Do you drink energy drinks?

Rarely. My body is pretty terrible at dealing with caffeine.

A cup of coffee before bed literally keeps me up all night and turns me into a real life zombie for the next day.

10. Do you drink juice?


11. Do you like swimming?

No. Ican'tswimbutIcansortafloat.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?

Sometimes with chopsticks too.

13. Favorite moisturizer?

I don't use them.

14. Do you want to get married in the future?

Do I look like I have enough of a real life to think about a love life?

I guess it sounds pretty nice but I'm not really interested as of current. But hey, who knows where life will take me?

(My ideal type of guy is 2D 1080p, preferbly a 22 year old hacker with red hair, golden eyes, glasses, dead on the inside and lives in my phone, by the way.)

As you can see, my unhealthy obsession with 2D guys in my phone makes it kind of hard.

I'm sorry, mum.

15. Do you get mad easily?

Actually, no. I haven't gotten mad for a few years. Gimme a medal.

Annoyed, yes (thank my siblings), but mad is becoming a fading memory.

I enjoy being emotionally stable though. I would like to keep it that way too.

16. Are you into ghost hunting?

*twig scratches window*


17. Phobias?


18. Do you bite your nails?


19. Have you ever had a near death experience?

Not near death, but some close calls.

- One time when I was three, I fell asleep whiLE PLAYING ON THE BEACH AND GOT SWEPT AWAY BY THE OCEAN AND ALMOST DROWNED HAHAHAHA. I don't remember anything, for better or for worse.

- Five-year-old me was once at a hotel. She was playing Hide and Seek with her friend when she heard her friend's voice outside. But because she forgot where the door was, she thought it would be a brilliant idea to jump out of a window instead. She realised she was kind of falling out a hotel window and tried to block her fall with her hands, but her finger landed on a sharp rock, and she smashed her head onto her hands, and her fingers exploded, and there was blood everywhere, and her friend walked over and saw little Meth with blood on her face and a finger fountain spraying blood everywhere, and she screamed. Then Meth's mum came running, saw the rather traumatising scene, screamed, and that ended absolute wonderfully!

I got a lil concussion and lots and lots of stitches on my finger. The scars are still very visible today. It actually messed up some nerves in my index finger so I couldn't draw, write or do many things with my right hand for some years.

Choices were made.


20. Do you drink coffee?

Sometimes, but I avoid it so that my parents won't have to deal with Zombie Meth the next morning.








Well, that was long. Thanks for reading ^^.

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