My face flamed from her statement and she smirked at me.

"You two won't last long, trust me. Before long you won't be able to control yourselves. Now read your letter and then we can get you to school." She skipped out of the room while I tried to regain my thought process.

Tearing open Willa's letter with trembling fingers a cloud of pink dust shot out, forming a love heart before disappearing.

I shook my head, smiling.

Dear Ashia,


Gosh girly I wish we had cell phones right about now, but I guess letters is all it's going to be. I will keep the album and send it to you soon! I know that father has a phone hidden somewhere and I swear I will find it, so if I ever ring make sure you get it!

What's Lord Aron really like anyway? Is he all stuffy and intimidating in person? I'm so curious, and I'm not sure how much longer I can last with not seeing you!

How is your new school? Is everyone vampires? I heard that Lord Aron has tightened control on his borders as well, most likely because of you. In fact, no one can seem to stop talking about the two of you – I'm not even kidding it's like world news.


Then again if the most feared vampire in the world found his mate in a tiny thing like you the world would obviously explode.


I frowned, I didn't get why Aron was feared; he seemed closed off and silent sure, but not enough to make the world fear him.

I cannot believe they made you leave the country with him. Sure he's your soul mate but after never being off the property and suddenly you're jetting off to god-knows-where!? I have barely slept since you've been gone.


I have to go, my entire love princess.


I sighed and folded the letter and placed it in my pocket. I walked outside just as the car pulled up and I got in.

Another day of that place.


I took what books I needed from my locker, closing it as quietly as I could, ignoring the slamming and laughter around me.

"Hello cutie!" I spun around when a warm hand caught my wrist and I was met with a pair of big blue eyes and ice blonde hair. She beamed at me, a row of perfect white teeth staring at me. I looked at her blankly, not sure if I should know her or not. "I'm Alana, Talon's Bride! He may have mentioned me to Aron; I mean Aron was supposed to tell you."

Awareness flickered in my mind and I smiled the best I could at this stranger still clutching my arm. "Oh yeah," I murmured. "I'm Ash."

"I've heard all about you! To be honest I am so glad to have met you, I tried looking for you yesterday but every time I caught a trail of your aura, BAM! You were gone." I looked at her, once again blankly. She wasn't a witch so she couldn't sense my aura unless... "I'm an Elemental Witch – I specialise with water and wind mainly – I must say and don't take offence – for a witch your aura isn't that strong."

I flushed in embarrassment, my constant life hassle already thrown in my face by this bubbly not-so-stranger. "Yes twin sister, Willa she was more – more in tune with it."

She smiled at me again and looped her arm through mine, "naw don't worry cookie, it just takes practice. I'm only just starting to really get in tune with what I am."

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