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 hate Mondays. I'm pretty sure Mondays hate me as well, because frankly, today has been nothing but utter messed up shit.

  Juno struggled while the policeman, she punched in the face, handcuffed her hands. I stood by the Coffee shop's door, the glass pressing into my back, while I stared at them in horror. Elliot, whom I remember was laying down on the ground, was now rushing over to the struggling blue and pink haired girl.I gaped at them, I couldn't do much, because everything was just fucked up. 

  When I finally found my voice, I rambled on about how this will effect my dad's opinion, and how I'll be turned into Clover Kababs, by sundown. I don't even like kababs, how am I going to live with being one?   

Oh God, my life as a kabab, just turn it into a movie and slap my name on the side, 'inspired by a true story', Clover, she got turned into meat, because of juvi.   

"Elliot, Juno!" I ran over to them, with my bag bumping my back with every step, Juno glanced at me and send me a look that told me to leave, Elliot sent me the same look at the same time.  

"Who the fuck are you?" Juno yelled, and gave me a pleading look once she noticed that I didn't turn back. I glared at her, but tried not to let myself turn back and did the stupidest thing ever.   I kicked a person, in the balls.

That person, who I feel very bad for punching and kicking, was Elliot. He wheezed and crumpled to the ground, he withered on the ground while clutching his nuts and groaning in pain, before yelling at me. "There goes my chance at making babies."  

Juno choked a reply while she laughed at Elliot's comment, I, on the other hand, put on the nastiest look I could make before sneering. "You lousy son of a dog. You know how long it took me to make that pie?! And you just eat it? You ate my pie!"  

Juno's face was red, and the police officer holding her, bit his lip, trying to hold back his laughter. Elliot sent me a confused look, before groaning into the small ball he curled himself into.   

Before I knew it, a pair of hands grabbed my arms, and I felt cool metal clasp my wrists. My eyes widened, and I looked at Juno to see that she was lost. "Hey! let me go, he ate my pies, you should arrest him! You know how precious the pies I create are?" I added as much attitude I could create within that moment, which wasn't much compared to what Sarena would do. 

What would she do? The dark haired girl, would probably tell me to kiss my ass goodbye, then laugh while I suffered, maybe even give me water while I perish. Such a wonderful friendship I have with her. She'd probably tell me to either move and do something, or laugh, probably laugh more than anything else. 

"You three are coming with us."

It took one sentence, one stupid sentence to send me on a first class plane ride off to PanicVille. Oddly enough, I hate planes.


My lungs still ached from the hyperventalation I just suffered through the car--excuse me, I meant police car ride, as Juno mentioned it to me multiple times during my attack--  ride, with metal cuffs locked around my wrists, and Juno struggled beside me, occasionaly, accidentaly elbowing me in the rib from the smal space we've been placed in. 

"Fucking police...," Juno went on, mumbling under her breath often and trying to pull her hands free from the cuffs. Elliot made a sound in the back of his throat and his head lolled as the car moved. I still felt bad for kicking him in the balls, I didn't exactly plan it to be that way but since it did... 

I hate to admit it, actually, I don't mind admitting it but Elliot kind of deserved it in a way. I guess it was revenge for what he did to my ankle when he decided to assualt it. Not cool bro, just no. One does not simply fall on someone's ankle, especially when the person who's ankle is being crushed is yours, and the person doing the crushing is bigger than you. "Fuck you Godzilla, ugly prat," Juno murmered and slammed her linked hands into the back of the police driver's seat. I'm pretty sure we all heard the annoyed yell he sent us, but Juno didn't give a damn. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2014 ⏰

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