Chapter 2

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Lafayette's P.O.V

Oh shit my head is killing me. I wake up in what looks to be John's dorm, that he shares with a guy named James Madison and Samuel Seabury, and I'm on his couch. I feel my head and immediately regret doing that because a pain shoots through my head and I curse as quietly as I can "Here take this" I man with oily black hair, bags under his eyes, and a terribly shaved face hands me some water and a tylenol "Merci," I say in a groggy voice too tired to even think that this guy might not know a single word in french "Vous êtes le bienvenu." he replies and my eyes open slightly further shocked that this guy knows french, or that he can pronounce it so well. I take the medicine and drink the water and finally decide to get up slowly so I can give my head time to adjust "Je M'appelle Marquis de Lafayette" I think for a second about how long my full name is and snicker slightly "you can call me Lafayette." I smile slightly and he begins to introduce himself "I'm Alexander Hamilton" He says and I remember that this wasn't just another one of John's random friends, we met him at the bar last night. I look on the floor to see Herc and John, I laugh lightly and Hamilton sits by me on the couch "I don't remember half of what happened last night" Alexander chuckles "I could of French kissed you and I wouldn't remember" I smirk at his comment "You only wish you could taste these fine lips," I laugh as his face goes red "I'm kidding" I say obviously.

Hamilton P.O.V

Why is my face burning up? I laugh awkwardly "That was just and example you french idiot." I meant to say joking and confidently, but it came out in stutters and very pathetic. "With that tone you sound like you are desperate for a kiss," Lafayette laughs and blows me a kiss which only causes my face to go more red shit shit shit this guy is cute but that doesn't mean I want to kiss him i think as I try and come up with a come back. I am pulled back into reality when I notice that Lafayette is only inches away from my face and getting closer! "Lafayette what are you..." I'm cut off by John springing awake while mumbling some curses thank god Lafayette moves back from me and he goes to get some medicine for John and... Herc, well that is what they called him last night. "Good morning John" I smile to him as he turns around and looks at me, his curly hair was a mess and he looked tired, "Hey" he says simply and then I offer to go make coffee and he accepts graciously.

I go into the kitchen just as Lafayette was leaving and I start looking around for everything I need to make coffee and I start thinking to myself I barely know those three yet I'm in John's kitchen making coffee, and the french fry almost kissed me! Sure I may be bisexual but he doesn't know that and even so it doesn't give him the right to kiss me- my thoughts are cut off by a guy walking in through the door, he was a redhead and had on a blue trench coat and a white scarf, he looks at me and sighs in disgust "Are you one of John's rebellious friends?" he asks in a british accent as if he already knew the answer "Depending on beliefs I could be considered rebellious and I am one of John's friends" I say casually as John comes into the kitchen "Hey Samuel" John waves to him as Samuel rolls his eyes "Don't call me Samuel if anything call me Seabury" I assumed that was his last name. John doesn't answer instead he helps me get the coffee ready as Seabury goes to his room.

John's P.O.V

I never got along very much with either of my roommates but that didn't stop me from trying even though I didn't like them all that much. "Sorry about him he doesn't like me or my friends very much," I smile at him even though my head was killing me, I grabbed the instant coffee and started boiling some water. "It's fine although he does seem like a fairly... ummm... privileged person" Alexander laughs at himself "Who does he hang out with." I think about it for a bit "I wouldn't say that he hangs out with him more like serves him but their is a man named George King" Alex nods as his fists clench up "He runs a hate group doesn't he" it was my turn to nod "damn homophobes" I say a bit harshly "Sorry I just really support them" I hadn't told him I was gay yet. Alexander shrugs "I'm a huge supporter aswell maybe we could get the director to bane the club." he suggests and some hope is sparked in me but I shake it off "If only then their will be a big debate about it and you will most likely be up against-" Just as i'm about to say his name James and Thomas walk in both laughing hysterically "Thomas" I finish my sentence as James starts coughing.

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