The day

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I woke up with the hot summer sun of Texas ready for the day, taking a deep breath and pulling my blankets off and getting ready for the billie eilish concert at 7. I raced around my room looking at what I was gonna wear , knowing that I only had seats two feet away from the stage so I could get noticed or at least get a look from her . My mom yells from the kitchen for me to come eat and chose what I was gonna wear later . A few hours pass and I'm already ready and hyped for what might be the highlight of my life .

The drive from my house to the place where the concert was held was an anxiety inducing ride , the good kind though

Mom: "so you exited for this ? You've only saved up every check to get on the floor instead of being in the nose bleed section "

Me : " I know , I just hope I get noticed or get to touch her hand at least but it's a 1 in 1000 chance"

Mom: " well I hope you have fun and take as many pictures as you can , also be careful I don't want you getting crushed by all those people "

Wanting to make a joke after that but I just kept silent because I wasn't fully out to my mother . 30 min go by and I'm already there , I got out of the car and told my mom that I'll text her 30 min before the concert was over . I had an hour to walk around and get something to eat before turning in my ticket. There was a subway across the street so I walked in and little did I know I saw literally god in front of me . Frozen in place my hand started to shake , it was billie . My mind went crazy , should I say something or be calm .

I start walking up to billie and her body guards .
Me: "hello billie !"
My hands sweaty and shaking at the same time as I try to contain all my emotions, thinking back to literally liking every post on insta and watching every live and now she's right in front of me . This couldn't be happening at all , someone pinch me .

billie turns around and smiles right at me making my heart drop lower than hell its self .
Billie:" hey love !!! "
Me :" can I get a hug ? This is too real right now "

billie laughs and smiles in a silly way as always and pulls me in for a tight hug , wrapping her arms around my neck , our cheek practically touching .
Billie: " well I'm gonna let you go and get your food , I assume your going to the concert?"
Me : " obviously!! I saved up all the money I could to see you ! You have no idea how psyched I am !!"
Billie laughs and starts to walk out of the door with her food and her brother by her , turning back around to wave at me in the funniest way possible.

After what just happened I got my food and ate something before heading to check in . I make my way to my seat to find some little girls with their mom next to my seat , It made me happy to see how billie is even loved by kids . I sat down next to them and waited for the concert to start , scrolling through my phone I hear one of the little girls ask me a question.

Little girl 1 : " how long have you been listening to billie ??"
Me : " well I came across her first song looking up random things to listen to on sound cloud "
She giggled and started swinging her legs in her chair as her sister did the same . Their mom looking at them with love and kissed their heads , it made me happy to see them happy .

After a a bit the lights started going down and billies voice filled the air . Everyone screaming and shouting "Billie " at the top of their lungs . I stand up and start screaming too. Billie comes out and starts dancing around having fun and singing the most memorable songs to everyone . As she got ready to sing "ocean eyes" I knew she was going to get closer to the edge of the stage so me , the little girls , their mom and a few others got close to the stage . The little girls where small and not talk enough to see the top of the stage so their mom picked one up and I offered to pick up the other so it wasn't to much work on the woman .

Billie instantly recognized me and smiled , I look back and hold out my hand so I could give it to the little girl instead . Billie smiled and awed at my action and shook both the girls hand as they both screamed in excitement. The show went on and I picked up my jacket as everything closed down , I had tickets for the meet and great and started to head over to the huge line for it . I sighed at the length of the line then my phone buzzes ,It was my mom.

"could you get a ride home or stay at a hotel? I'm not feeling so well"

                                               "it's ok I'll find something "

"Thank you , I love you Alex and be safe "

                                               "I love you too , goodnight"

I put my phone back up and look ahead , there was from what it looks like 7 people in front of me so. I began to get nervous and think back to that smile she gave me on stage , it was cute and dreamy . It was then my turn to see billie , before I knew it she was running up to me with a smile and hugged me . I almost fall and my heart drops like a brick , catching myself in time to hold her up .

Billie: "your so sweet !! Those little girls looked like they where having the time of their lives "
I smile and blush chuckling slightly at the fact that she remembers that .
Me: "ya , they couldn't see above the stage so I figured why not help them out ?"

Feeling her squeeze me a little tighter ,I blushed harder and smiled , my chest rising as falling at the feeling of her against me . She let go and handed me a beanie from her pocket , I took it and almost screamed . It wasn't in a package so it must have came from her collection of cloths , I put it on and smiled wide .

Billie : "looks hella fine on you "
I was now blushing more than anything , she noticed and taped my now cherry red cheeks.
Me : "oh your only saying that , hahaha"
She smiled and grabbed my hand
Billie: "so what you doing after this ? "
Me:"oh nothing might get a hotel and stay their till tomorrow then go home "
She made a face and shakes her head
Billie:" nope your coming with me , least I can do for someone kind "
I blush and start freaking out inside , my heart feeling like a race car going a million miles per hour . I nod my head , not being able to speak at all from how shocked I was . She laughed at my reaction and took me to the back where everyone was . My heart still feeling like it was gonna jump out of my chest , she introduced me to everyone then looked back at me.

Billie :"I forgot!! Oh my god I forgot to ask your name "
I smiled and giggled slightly as I answered
Me:"it's Alexandria but call me Alex , it's easier "
Billie smiled and turned back to everyone and they all said hello . Her mom looking a little concerned on why Billie would take a random stranger back here . Maggie stood up and walked over putting her hand out to shake mine.
Maggie: " hello , I'm billies mom " she said with a smile
I shook her hand and smiled returning the gesture speechless at the position I was in , almost shocked in fact . Billie turned to me and laughed making me snap out of it
Me:"oh gosh I'm so sorry , I'm just really excited to be here and also nervous "
They all laughed and started to pack up as Billie turned to her mom
Billie:"hey mom Alex is gonna stay the night , I offered cause of that thing she did , soooooo I was thinking it would be ok ???"
Billie made a face trying to hide her tick
Maggie: " well ... I'm not sure .. do you have anything with you Alex ? " she looked at me worried
Me: "oh no , other than headphones a phone and a charger that's about it , pat me down if you have to"
Maggie had a bodyguard come over and pat me down, they found nothing and that gave her ease .

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