Well then ..

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We woke up around 8 in the morning to my brother knocking on my door . He comes in and almost screams , his face almost looking like a ghost .

Matthew : "IS THAT !!!"
Billie : "ha yes it's me"

Billie sits up and smiles at him , his face still in shock as runs to his room and gets his yellow Billie Bennie and a marker and runs back into the room and hands it to her .

Matthew : "can you sign this ??"

I look at him kinda annoyed then Billie looks back at me and kisses me

Billie : "baby calm down" she turns back to him and takes the marker then signs it.

Matthew: " OMG !!! Thank you so much"

He walks out and shuts the door . Finally, I thought he was gonna pass out or something. Billie gets up and stretches then pick up her phone .

Billie : "gahhhhhh!!"
Me : "what is it ?"
Billie : "there has been a change of plans , I don't have a week off anymore"
Me : "oh...ok, that's alright "

She turns to me and kisses me deeply and holds my face in her hands .

Billie : "I promise to text you and ft"

I nod then she gets up , she gos to my closet and starts looking through my cloths . She pulls out one of my hoodies and some shorts , it made me laugh a little to know that I have cloths she likes . As she walks back over to me I get up and pull her in close , my face in her chest . I didn't want her to leave , I wanted this for a bit longer at least . I could feel her eyes on me so I look up and stare back . They where soothing , almost like looking into the ocean, yes ocean eyes .

Billie : "I have to go now babygirl"

I give a sigh and let go . She grabs my hand and pulls me with her to her car, she gets in and I bend down to the window . She touches my face and pulls me in for another kiss , I kiss back and try to hold it as long as I could.

Me : "I miss you already..."
Billie: "I know baby .. me too , I love you"
Me: "I love you most "

She pulls out of the driveway and heads off , I go inside and lock the front door . As I make my way back to my room my mom comes behind me .

My mom : "did Billie leave?"
Me : "ya , she had something to do . It randomly came up "
My mom : "she will be back , I know it "

I laugh and head back to my room , I almost forgot that her cloths where on the floor so I picked them up and folded them then put them on my dresser .
I flop onto my bed and look at her spot as if she was still there so I grab the pillow then holds it close and slowly falls back asleep . I slept most of the day and but until the buzz from my phone wakes me up , it's Billie. I look at the time and it's 9 at night , jeez I really did sleep all day . I answer FaceTime.

Billie : "well hello there baby "
Me: "hey "
Billie : "what you doin ?"
Me : "I just woke up " I say as I yawn
Billie : "awwww , I wish I was there "
Me : "me too ..."
Billie : "how bout you get my hoodie and put it on then we can sleep on ft. That sound good ?"

I nod and get up then gos to get her hoodie , I throw it on and lays back down . I prop her up on my dresser and yawns again.

Billie: "your cute when your tired "

I roll my eyes as I start to get a little heavy eyed , before I knew it I was asleep again . Her voice just instantly calmed me down and I just was dead .
We texted and FaceTimed all the time , and fell asleep on the phone every night . I loved it , it was like she was here but still so far away . I love her so much and I just want her for the rest of my life . But one day she just stopped texting me .

                                   Billie ❤️🌯
                                                                               "Baby ?"
                                                        "Hey babe , you ok ?"
                                         "Why aren't you answering?"
                                                  "Did I do something?..."
                                                        "Please answer........"

It's been 4 days now , I can't help but think she didn't want this anymore . I would just look at her cloths that just sat there on my dresser and everyday I look at them I just wanna cry . How stupid of me to think this would last , I sit in my room trying to not look at her insta or her snap . I pick up my phone and look at both of them but she hasn't posted anything , and it doesn't say if she's active so I'm just still thinking why . Why dose this happen to me , why do I give my all and then just get left once they get their fill . My brother comes in and puts his hand on my shoulder .

Matthew : "anything?"
Me : "no.."
Matthew : "she will come back Alex , just give her time "
Me : "I know .. but she just all out stopped answering "
Matthew :"maybe she's busy?"
Me : "probably.."

A week and a half go by and still nothing, no call ,no text, no FaceTime. At this point I'm just starting to give up , I put her cloths on a hanger and put it in my closet. My head is racing and my heart pounds whenever I go on Facebook or insta or anywhere that has her face , almost as if something is trying to teach me a lesson . I get a mini heart attack when I see her face , and when I hear her on the radio or pandora I quickly change it . This is just slowly killing me and getting at me and I am just to weak to fight it . Maybe she realizes that she can't be with me cause I will just weighing her down or hold her back . Whatever it is , I hope she's ok . I love her and I hope her the best , even if it isn't with me .

It's now three weeks and I'm hanging with a few friends and tell them the situation.

Janne : "you just need to calm down , like your brother said . She's probably busy and can't answer "

I nod and rub the back of my head. Ever since she stopped answering I've been getting a headache and just slight chest pains .

Janne : "when was the last time you slept or even ate something Alex ?"
Me : "I don't know honestly, I haven't been eating cause I just don't have the energy and I haven't been sleeping Incase I miss her call or even a text"
Neko: "you need to sleep , this isn't healthy. She will text back , what would billie do if she found out that you haven't been sleeping or eating? Huh?"

I sigh in defeat and nod

Janne : "you need to get some sleep tonight"

I look at her and nod , I get up and hug them goodbye and start to head home . I put in my headphones and start to walk towards my street but keeps walking . I don't wanna go home right now , I keep walking still I get to the creek where I just sit and think . As I head down the creek I see a little cat, I call it over and pick it up and holds it in my arms . She purrs and rubs her head against my arm , I take her with me and sit down on the little lawn chair I brought here and a crate I found . The little cat falls asleep in my lap as I pet it, music playing in the background. At this point I can feel myself slowly slipping back to just being by myself, but I keep thinking back to what she said before she left and I just can't help but break down a little. I really hopes she comes back .

I've been in this creek for an hour or two just listening to music till it turns to "I love you" .Great . I reach for my phone to change it but a voice comes from behind me .

Billie : "why you gonna change it baby ?..."

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