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Savannah Jay Carter

Max was sitting on the end of my bed as I kept showing him outfits for a place he wouldn't tell me I was going to.

"Does this work?" I spun around.

I had on a pair of medium blue jeans, a white v-neck, a gray cardigan and black sandals. My hair was half up, half down.

"Yes, Van. Perfect." He smiled.

"Where are we going?" I asked for the hundredth time. 

He ignored me by ushering me out the door. I grabbed my purse and phone as we headed out the door. We started driving as he kept silent. 

"Can I play music?" I asked.

He nodded but kept his attention on the road. I rolled my eyes and sat back, scrolling through my phone. Within 30 minutes, we were pulling in the driveway of some house. Max parked the car and got out to come to my side. We walked up to the door as he rang the doorbell. 

"Can I know now?" I asked again.

A Hispanic man that shared similar features to Max opened the door with a bright smile.

"Hey Dad." Max said.

I looked over at him as he chuckled. 

"Son. Come on in." He said as he stepped to the side.

"Savannah, this is my dad, Javier. Dad, this is Savannah." Max introduced.

"Nice to meet you. Let me run to the kitchen. Dinner should be out in a moment." He smiled then left.

I smacked Max's arm, making him reach up and grab it. We sat at the table, waiting for his father to come back.

"If I told you, you would've overthought it." He said.

"If we weren't already here, I would leave." I said between my teeth.

I crossed my arms and sat back in my chair. He put his hand on my knee but I shrugged it off. 

"Baby, don't be mad at me." He whined.

I sighed before looking over at him. His lips were pouted, making me chuckle. I kissed him, making him smile.

"Is he nicer than your mom?" I asked.

"Much." Max said.

His dad came out with a tray of food and set it on the table. He took a seat at the table and set the towel down.

"Dig in. Please." He waved his hand over the food. "There's no meat in anything, just in case."

"I eat meat but thank you." I smiled.

"So how long have you been with my knucklehead son?" He asked.

"4 months." I smirked.

"He treating you good?" Javier asked.

"Like a queen." I said.

Max lifted my hand and kissed the back of it. 

"You two look good together." Javier said.

"Thank you." We said together.

"So, I hear you met Yaris first." His dad chuckled.

I nodded, not sure of what to say.

"Don't worry too much about her. After we separated, she fell back on Max." Javier said.

"Which is why I went to California." Max said.

"You don't look like you're going anywhere anytime soon." His dad smirked.

"I don't plan on it." I smiled.

"So, what do you do for a living?" Javier asked.

"I own a boutique and I'm looking to expand." I said.

"Really? I'm in real estate. Maybe I can send some listings to you." He said.

"I'd like that." I nodded.

"Dad, business right now?" Max asked.

"My daughter-in-law needs the best in the business." Javier said.

I grinned at what he called me. At least he liked me. Max noticed my face and smiled. I reached under the table and locked our fingers together. We kept up small talk with a few jokes for the rest of dinner. I looked at my phone, seeing that it was late in the night.

"I'm so sorry, Javier, but I have to go in early. Stock day." I said.

"You're the boss! Go in when you want." He waved me off.

"My theory is the boss shows her workers what hard work looks like." I shrugged.

"I like this girl, Max." He said before clearing dishes.

Max and I grabbed some and followed him into the kitchen.

"You guys didn't have to help." He said.

"We wanted to. Thank you so much for tonight." I said.

He opened his arms for a hug and I stepped into them, embracing him. Now if I could just get Yaris on my side.

"Let me walk you to the door." He said.

Max wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked. 

"It was nice to meet you." I said.

"You as well, Savannah." Javier smiled. "Call me when you get in, son."

"Got ya." Max said.

We waved and got in the car. Javier stood in the door until we pulled off before going in.

"See? That wasn't so bad." Max said.

"Whatever, take me home." I laughed.

"Can I stay?" He asked.

"Sure, on the couch. You in trouble." I said.

I turned in the seat so that I was looking up at the stars and moon. I heard him groan but he kept driving. I chuckled as we drove through the night to head back to my place. 

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