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Maximilian Delmar Ortiz

I rolled over in my bed, checking my phone. No text or call from Savannah. I smirked as I opened my messages, typing a text to her.

Max: must've been a long night for you

Savannah: ??

Max: because you never made text me whether or not you made it home

Savannah: sorry, I came in and ko'ed

Max: figured, it's cool though, I forgive you

I waited for a text back but got nothing in response. My mom came into my room, sitting on the end of my bed. 

"Do you really have to go?" She pouted.

"Yes, Ma. I need my own space." I said as I looked at her.

"You can just stay here, I'll leave you alone." She whined.

She's been this way since my dad left a while ago. Me and him talked all the time, which she hated. My sisters and I were glad when they got divorced, it was better for everyone.

"No, you won't." I said as I got out of bed.

I slipped on some track pants and a black t-shirt, leaving out the room. She was hot on my heels as I walked downstairs, trying to get away from her. I had to get some things done now that I was back home. I put a down payment on a place and my car was delivered an hour ago. I slipped on my shoes and left out the door. I pulled away from my house, not really having a destination in mind. Before I knew it, I was pulling in front of Savannah's shop, next to her car. I parked and walked in, scanning the shop.

"You don't look like you wear anything in this store." A girl said to me.

I shook my head, laughing. "I'm looking for someone. Savannah."

She nodded and motioned me to follow her. Savannah was helping someone out when she looked over at me.

"You know him?" The girl said, motioning to me.

Savannah nodded. "I got it, Taj. Thank you."

They switched places as Savannah popped up next to me. "What are you doing here?"

I shrugged. "I was bored and I wanted to see the shop."

When I left, she had just opened and was just picking up business. 3 years later and everything looked to be going smoothly.

"Well, you see it. Now go." She said.

"Just like that, huh?" I said as she stared at me.

"Yes, now go." She said as she started to push me towards the exit.

I grabbed her arm, halting her movements and pulling her close to me.

"What time is lunch?" I said as her breathing picked up.

"Uh, um. I think 12:30." She said.

"See you then." I said as I left out the store.

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