Terrornuckle- Forever

Start from the beginning

I parked my car and made my way into my house, through the pouring rain. The rain had slowed down, slightly, but I was still drenched when I entered the silent house. My mind wanted to call out to him, to hear him call back and greet me with a warm hug. I wanted his lips to be pressed against mine once again. I cursed at myself for being so foolish and needy.

My mind told me to mind my own business and leave him be, but I couldn't. With a steady hand I opened up a bottle of pills. He wouldn't want me to do this to myself, yet I did it anyway. I shoved a small handful of pills in my mouth and swallowed them dry. The world went fuzzy and I reached to grab more, but darkness got to me before I could even try.

I opened my eyes to see a bright light shining down on my face. There was no noise that I could hear except my own breathing. My mind tried to make sense of where the hell I'm at, but I couldn't.

With determination, I sat up and looked around. I was in my house but I was on the couch. The ceiling light had been turned on, even though it wasn't on when I had gotten home. Fear and concern crept through my nerves, with an aching feeling growing inside my head. Before I had the chance to get up, and do anything more for that matter, I heard a voice.


My heart skipped a beat and I turned to the familiar voice. There, standing by the staircase, was Brock. He looked worried and almost sad, however there was joy in his eyes.

"B-Brock. Oh my god you're... you're actually here."

I stood up and quickly moved to Brock until we were only inches apart. My hand reached up and touched his cheek. Every part of my body swelled with joy and relief. Without a second thought I pulled him into a hug and fought back tears.

He hugged me back and started trembling, "How are you here? Did you... did you die?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. Well... I did try and now I'm here with you so I guess so."

Brock pulled back and looked at me," No you couldn't have died. I know you're here, but it doesn't feel like all of you is here."

I wiped the tears building up at the corner of my eyes, "What do you mean by that?"

"I-I think you're in a coma."

I froze, "Possibly, but that means I'll only be with you temporarily," I paused. "Dammit."

Brock only smiled, "Then let's make the most of it while you are here."

I smiled back, "Okay."

Marcel's POV

Everyone was sitting in the E.R. waiting to hear how Brian was doing. Lui and David had followed Brian home, in fear that he would do something irrational, where they found him passed out and bleeding in his kitchen. They had called 911 and afterwards called us all to, "get our asses to the emergency room."

So far all we know is that he overdosed and had hit his head on the kitchen counter. He's in critical condition and they think he's in a coma. We all started tearing up when we heard that he might not make it.

"We shouldn't have let him go home alone." Jonathan spoke in a monotone voice with his head in his hands.

"Hey, don't say shit like that. We tried to be with him but not giving him any space made things worse on him. If this is truly what he wanted then we have to accept that, we can't beat ourselves up about the things we don't do. We need to look over that and know that he's happy now," my voice quivered as I ranted.

The room went completely silent again and everyone let the words sink in. I looked at the floor and squinted so the tears could fall from my face.

"Excuse me?" the nurse that told us about Brian's condition spoke, making everyone turn toward her.

She became uncomfortable from all the sudden stares but quickly went back to being professional, "I'm sorry, Brian has passed."

I became numb and unemotional. I knew I was ready to accept that he was gone, but I didn't want to, so I blocked all the emotions from entering my mind.

Hopefully he's happy with Brock now.

Brian's POV

It had been a month since I was in a coma and I didn't want to leave Brock. He told me that in reality only an hour or so had passed, which made me happy knowing that I would have a lot more time to spend with him.

We were casually cuddling on the couch, watching some show I didn't care for, when Brock gasped and sat up. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.


"You're not in a coma anymore."

My eye widened, "So that means, I'm dead now."

He looked to the side, "Yeah. Yeah it does."

I smiled and wrapped Brock into a hug. We stayed in each other's embrace, savoring the moment. I was overwhelmed with happiness.

"You're happy about this?" he asked.

I pulled back slightly so I could look at him, "Of course I am. I get to be with you forever now."

He kissed me softly, "I love you," Brock spoke.

"I'll love you forever, literally."

He giggled at my statement and kissed me once more. I felt bad for leaving everyone else behind, but for the first time in awhile I was happy. I hoped they knew that as Brock and I started our forever long life together.

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