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A week later
Veda POV
Me and Everett had finally made it to the school for supers. We were really excited. This was what we had been excited about for a week. We knocked on the door because we didn't know how we were supposed to get in. A large gentleman covered in fur opened the door and told us to follow him. He said he was the principal, William, who was in charge of the training of some young supers. He called in a girl called Yuri to show us around. Yuri told us she had been at the school for a few years and that she often showed around new students. She was knowledgeable about many different kinds of supers because one of her powers is to be able to take all the data from something by touching it, though it doesn't work on humans. She could also fly, create explosions, control temperature and she has enchanced strength, speed, stamina and durability to a degree slightly more than most supers. She told us about all the special types of training and the team mechanic. All students are in teams of 3 or 4 that are sent on missions together. Tomorrow we would be sent on a test mission where we would just have to take out some goons. Yuri was the only exception to the team rule because she works with new supers. She would be with us tomorrow. I was quite happy about what the school was like and I knew that I would be okay.

Onyx POV
I had been training with the syndicate for a week and they had decided that I was ready for my first mission. I was going with a squadron of goons to take out that dumb town, Santa Vigo.

Tate POV
I had headed to the nearest city for the day to buy some stuff. Santa Vigo is fun, but it can get a bit boring. I got a tablet so I can use that. I'll admit, I'm getting a bit sick of all the superphobic bastards and the idea of shifting into a dog or something like that was tempting. But, I had fun, met nice people and had a great time. I wonder what I'll do tomorrow. I can't see the future like other psychics, so I don't know.

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