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Onyx POV
I reached Santa Vigo to see a bunch of supers, including one about my age. The goons that I went with attacked all the adult supers. I thought that meant I got the weakest super because of his age. I know now that I was very wrong. I attacked him without putting in much effort, expecting to hurt him loads. Then I felt a sharp pain in my chest and realised that he stabbed me. He commented "I have two things to tell you 1. I'm no weakling 2. You shouldn't choreograph everything you're planning to do in you're mind in such an obvious manner, it makes you so predictable." I started getting annoyed. I surrounded him with clones of me a they all rushed him. He disappeared and all the clones banged into each other. Then a bug flew onto my arm and it suddenly turned into that guy. I swear, how many abilities does he have. He replied without me speaking "one other. I can also teleport." Then he shot me in the face. I tried to clear my mind and I began to get an advantage. But I got cocky and started thinking about what I was doing again. We were evenly matched when suddenly my goons started shooting him with sedatives. He was shot with about 100 before he got knocked out. But before he passed out he shoved something in my mouth. I woke up later with blood covering my face and I realised that he had shoved a bomb in my mouth, the jerk.

Everett POV
When me and my team got to Santa Vigo we were met with chaos. Yuri had seen this kind of thing before, but never this bad. There was two boys covered in bruises in a van, one with about a hundred sedatives in his back and the other with a face covered in blood. We quickly dispatched the goons but they escaped with the 2 boys. The people in the town said that the boy covered in sedatives was staying in the town for a while until he went to the school for supers and the other boy was with the gang. We decided to follow the gang.

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